
Technical Difficulties

Mom's funny sometimes, not usually on purpose. As soon as she has to something remotely technical to do on the laptop at home she breaks out in a flop sweat. As each window comes up asking various tech questions, she becomes extremely grouchy. We don't even offer to help, or we might be grouched at.

I guess this wouldn't be that funny, heck I would be nervous too, but she's one of the main people at work everyone comes to have their laptops fixed. Yep, that's right, she's thought of as competent, and an authority on just these types of technical things at work.

She admits to us that she just pokes around calmly, hoping some random thing fixes it. She knows the program she trains other people how to use, but other than that it is mostly luck and a good memory. She feels fearless she says because if she can't figure it out, she just sends it out to Technical Support for the real heavy lifting.


Knot Me

Well it's started, shedding season. So begins the annual rite of Spring at Casa De Housecat, fur pulling.

Mom is positively fixated on my floof right now. She calls me over with love in those deep brown eyes, and the pets are good, then she starts to get a little handsy. Pretty soon there is fur pulling and biting. Every petting session becomes a sly excuse to hunt for early signs of an Alphalpha Hair. What's that you ask?

My coat is made up of two distinct types of fur. A slick shiny topcoat that runs along, well my top, and a downy floof that lies beneath. An Alphapha Hair is created when the soft undercoat gets matted under the topcoat, causing the topcoat to jut out and ruin the line of my coat.

Sigh. It's not easy to be this gloriously floofed.
I will be snuggling with Dad for awhile.


Floofy Friday

This is my stern look... yet still glamorous.

Mom? You're not watching TV while you're supposed to be finishing my book formatting are you? No, I didn't think so. Hey, fill my dish before you get back to business.

I have to keep my paw firm friends. She's close, so I have to be harsh. I'm sure you understand.

What are you all doing this weekend? I have porch time planned and sun puddle napping. The sun is already getting hot here in the desert, so I have to alternate shade and sun. It's delicate work but I am up to the task.



Picture if you will...

A sleepy, half-blind human stumbles to the shower to rouse herself from dreamland. She turns on the shower full blast without noticing that the shower head is pointed out, directly at her.

Commence laughing. The mental picture of Mom giggling while standing in her puddle, is almost enough to make me pee my cataloons.



Alfred Hitchcat Presents...

Mom says this pop-culture reference to the Alfred Hitchcock Show (and his shadow logo) really dates her, I'm just confused. Mom's humor is sometimes elusive. Enjoy your patch of sun either way.



Well I have recently been given some awards by my friends and I wanted to spread the love. Today's award is from one of my dearest friends Katie and Glogirly, in fact it's an award they thought up themselves. It's the kind of moxie I really admire, just make up your own award! Look how pretty it is.

Each recipient must share four things about themselves that represent the four colors of the mood ring: Pink, Blue, Orange and Green. You know Katie and Glogirly, photos are encouraged but optional. Naturally I can't completely following all rules so I am opting out of this part.
Blue -  Although I am a happy cat most of the time there are a few things that make me blue. I hate the site of those suitcases. On a side note why are they called suitcases - my parents don't even own suits.

Pink - It's such a happy color and it's one Mom wears alot so that will always make me happy. I may be a little tough on her from time to time but she's my girl.

Orange - Is Dad's happy color, so naturally it's mine too. Dad loves Halloween and orange always reminds me of how joyous he is decorating the house with pumpkins and the like. 

Green - Hmm, green is a little harder to come by here in the desert. I do love the few hardy green things in my yard. They are strong and they persevere in the blazing sun. Gotta love that plucky spirit.
Each recipient must choose FOUR COLORFUL friends to give the award to. Don't forget to say who they are and give a link to their blog. If you'd like, add in a little something about why you've chosen them. Once again, photos are optional but always fun. I've never met a cat who doesn't like having their photo (a flattering one of course) online for the world to see.
Well this is always the hard part, we hate to leave anyone out as we love so many of you so much. Here it goes.
My great friend Huffle Mawson is Blue for me. Blue today for her color but also blue for the beloved Blue Parsley Pot she was blue over losing. 
My great pal Misty from the Crew's Views is pink. It's her signature color too.  Sorry Tipper there wasn't a purple category. 

My great friend Banshee of Sumac Stories is my Orange Girl. She has such striking orange and black markings.

Last but not least are my Sisfurs for Green. They live far away but they are always there for Mom and I, and we are there for them too. This is a rare picture of two of them together, but my Chilli is missing but still green for me. 

Siena (little sister in floof or LSIF) and her sister Chilli (Little sister in honorary floof or LSIHF) and MoMo (the original Sister in Floof or SIF)
Be sure to post the MOOD RING AWARD badge in your blog post and a link back to your friend that gave you the award. Of course you should thank the person who gave it to you. 

Thanks so much for thinking of me Katie and GG they thought of me as green. I like that.


Floofy Friday

I thought for today's post I would show you something a little different. 

 My Dark Side

Awhile back I was lucky enough to win a portrait done by none other than the Famous and Talented Ball Guy of The Monkeys fame. Isn't it beautiful work? We all love it so much!! It is even BETTER in person as if that were possible!

The package got stuck in US customs so long we were all about to give up when it arrived! I was not allowed to pose with my portrait because I might lay on it, paw it, or nibble it. Maybe after it's framed up. Even from a distance, I could tell it smelled like the very handsome Samson. I understand Samson sent me a little something extra in the package but until we get new camera batteries I have been shut out. I wonder what it is? Tuxie Floof?

I plan on keeping Mom's nose to the grindstone and getting some nice porch time. What do you have planned?

Oh and if you would like a Ball Guy portrait of your very own, you can go to this Etsy store themonkeys.etsy.com .


The Eyes of March

I'm happy to report that despite an illegal flurry of comments tonight, Mom is towing the line and working hard on my book. The were momentary tears last night when she was trying to figure out some technical formatting thingy (yawn), but I gave her a nice snuggle and laid on the keyboard till she calmed down. Yep that's what you have to do sometimes with a ghostwriter. It's pretty rough on me, but enough is enough.

To answer some of your questions:
  • Yes it's a real book about me and technically it came before the blog, some two years ago.
  • We don't know exactly when the book will come out, but it's close. Mom is hoping for early April so it could be had in time for Mother's Day perhaps. We will definitely keep you posted. 
  • To start, the book will be sold through Amazon and there will be an e-book version too.
  • We will have some giveaways too. 
  • We are trying to figure out how to pawtograph it for our great friends, working on it.
 Uh-oh, looks like she might be watching TV, gotta go.



Well friends it's getting closer to book time. Mom is so close but I've noticed her slacking a bit too. Seems that she has contracted a case of scaredy cat. Not from me mind you, maybe it was one of the kittens she petted at Petsmart?

She has to do some final tweaks to the format and come up with the summary for the back of the book. Seems easy right? Well you would think she was being asked to re-write the whole thing with the way she is dragging her feet. I see now that I need to bring in some accountability, a firm paw is required. I am formally outing her, the slacker. So I may not allow her much free time for commenting or anything else fun.

I was looking back over my large collection of posts and I saw one titled "The Hunger Strike", post #2 mind you. It was all about how Mom needed to find me an agent or I was going on a hunger strike. Well that was nearly two years ago. Still no book on the shelf... Firm Paw! I may need to ask for your help friends.

The Hunger Strike Revised
I so look forward to the day when my book is able to grace the store shelves. I can picture it so clearly, row after row of my story waiting to be shared, but so far it hasn’t happened. Mommy has informed me that things don’t always happen as quickly as I would like in the outside world (frankly, things don’t happen fast enough for me in our home either, like my water being refilled). I'll Say!!
In an effort to speed things along, I’ve decided to go on a hunger strike. I’m hoping it might create some urgency. It’s a small price to pay to help move things along.

Hour One - Hmm, I feel a bit peckish already. Maybe I should have breakfast first, and then start the hunger strike. I think that sounds like a sensible plan - a light breakfast and then right to it.

Hour Two – Luckily I’m still full from breakfast. I decided I needed to really dig in, and lay a solid foundation for future hunger pains by emptying my dish.

Hour Four – I had a nice nap. I checked with Mommy and she's not done. I feel bored now – a snack would sure be nice - but no, I’m standing firm.

Hour Five – I can’t stop staring at my dish. It’s like a magnetic pull, a gravitational force. I’m a moon to its planet and I long to be in its orbit again.

Hour Seven – I feel very cross now. Mom was trying to console me with snuggles, and I took a little nip of her hand (ironically the hand that feeds me, under normal circumstances). She tasted so good, so solid, I gnawed her for a few moments, and feeling guilty - she even let me.

Hour Eight – It’s getting dark now - maybe it’s the starvation. Mom said it’s my twilight – oh, no, Mom says it is twilight, not my twilight. It’s so hard to stay focused.

Hour Eight and a Half - Mom is growing concerned, maybe it’s my constant cries.

Hour Nine – I’ve had it. This is cruel and unusual punishment. I can’t be expected to starve for heaven’s sake. Oh, apparently that is the expectation, but I didn’t realize how hard it would be. Maybe I can go on a “Hungrier Strike”.

I’ll cut way back on my food and no treats at all (well, unless Dad should drop some lunch meat). I think it’s a good compromise. 

Thank COD I gave up till now, I would have starved, Mom!



Well it's that time of year again, the stupid time change. Give a cat a break will you? ::Taps paws:: See anything else that changed?
 Look, my blog has a makeover. 

Looks nice huh? Mom's new EBFF, Glogirly, made it all possible! She is so awesome. You know what else she is awesome at? Book cover designs... ::Tilts head to right, tilts again, indicating this new sidebar item::

More info on this to follow...



Well it's been a fun week! Hope you enjoyed the Acatemy Awards here, I know we had a great time. To all my friends who participated a big thanks! Be sure to look back to Sunday's post to see all the fun entries who are all winners.

Look I'm Going Green...

Just in time for one of the St Patrick's Day contests (Mom better look it up), and to announce the winner of the Clean+Green Give Away! Mom numbered all the entries and casually asked Dad to pick a number and drumroll...

The winner is... Friends Furever!! Concats!!

So this weekend should mark some changes here at the H.C. A little blog makeover is planned, so if you come by this weekend you may see this...

 But don't worry, no cats going to jail. 
Have a great weekend everyone see you next week!


A Give Away!

Have I mentioned how much you mean to us? The fact that you're here reading this... it means a lot. To thank you for coming by, we're going to have a give away. We were approached by the makers of  Clean+Green® to try out some of their products. 

Naturally Mom agreed. I mean "Her Cheapness" rarely turns down something free (as long as there are no requirements that we say we liked it if we didn't). She was pretty excited because she gets hives from almost anything, including many cleaning chemicals, so non-toxic is really important to her. 

She requested the Litter Box Cleaner and the Carpet/Upholstery versions to try, and the results are in.... drumroll...

They're a hit! Mom used the litter spray first and said it knocked out the odor from a recent, er, deposit. I found nothing bothersome about the deposit. Dad also used it when he changed the box and sprayed it on the litter to stop dust fly up. 

Last night I decided she should try out the carpet version... so I helped out with a nice hairball for testing. Yes, I took on the big job, and coughed up a tester. Yep, it worked there too. No stain.
Americats and Canadacats can win your choice of any six (6) Clean+Green products! The winner will visit the site ( www.odorandstainremover.com) to choose which products they’d like, and they will ship it right to you. So if you want in, just let us know in the comments of this post and on Friday we will let the winner know they won.  


4:27 AM - Best Song Adaptation

Good mornin', good mornin',
I've meowed the whole night through,
Good mornin', good mornin' to you!

Good mornin', good mornin'!
It's great to stay up late,
Good mornin', good mornin' to you.
Good mornin', good mornin'!
My bowl is empty now,
Good mornin', good mornin' to you.


Finny's Day Off - Screenplay

Fade In

Mom is seen gathering her things by the back door as Fin watches from the floor. This is the regular morning routine, and both seem resigned to it.

Mom: You be a good kitty sweetie, try not to nap too long. (Snickering) You have it rough my girl.

Mom reaches down and gives Fin a neck scritch. Mom heads out the door. Finny appears to curl in for a nap, as Mom gives one last look.

Cut to a shot of the kitchen floor. Cue music "Old Time Rock and Roll." We hear the opening strains as Finny skids into the frame as in Risky Business. Montage continues as Finny is seen racing through the house, and whapping toys to the music.

Cut to Fin on the phone mewing with catfriends. Cut to Fin mewing through the back door to Mittens the yard cat. Cut to Fin sitting on the couch with her paw on the remote watching Animal Planet while popping cat treats.Cut to Fin shopping on Ebay and reading blogs.

Cue Sound effect of the Garage Door Opening. Fin races to the back door and recreates the pose she was in when Mom left. She sees she has left on the computer and runs to the office, jumping onto the desk. She flips the power switch as we hear Mom starting to turn the door handle. Fin leaps back onto the floor and runs back to her spot. She manages to lay back down before Mom enters.

Mom (lovingly): Did you get your rest today granny?

Mom reaches down and picks up Fin for snuggles.

In Voice Over: "Yep, I've said it before, and I'll say it again... life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in awhile and you could miss it. - Ferris Bueller"

Fin turns to camera and winks.

Fade Out


Out Of Darkness - Screenplay

Fade In

Exterior dusk on the covered porch of a suburban home. Our heroine Fin is enjoying the sunset from one of the large flagstones that surround the porch. Mom is seated on the patio chair with a camera in her hand, as she calls out to Fin.

"Fin! Fiiiiinnnnyyy! Look this way, the light is perfect."

Fin rolls on her side to hide her face from the prying eyes of the Pawparazzi. We hear the sounds of nature as Fin tunes out all the distractions. Mom hears a phone ringing inside the house, as sweet Fin lounges peacefully.

"Come on Fin, let's go. I gotta get the phone. (No response from Fin) Fin! Whatever... come in when you're done."

On a split screen we see Mom chat on the phone, and sweet Fin enjoy the last moments of sunlight. Mom, distracted by the call and assuming Fin has come into the house, shuts the door. In the gathering dark, a cold breeze ruffles Fin's fur. She scoots to the door only to see it's been shut.

Fin (in an escalating tone): Mew! Meow! Meeee-ooooow!!

Mom is oblivious, even after she ends the call, and hears nothing. Dad arrives home and further distracts her. Fin runs from window to window as she meows mightily, but to no avail. Fin huddles in a ball with only her floof to keep her warm.

Close up to show the twinkle in the brave grannycat's eye. She carefully makes her way across the rocky terrain on the side of the house. A cold wind whips around Fin, as she lowers her graceful head and carries on. She hesitates at the front yard, as we see the huge distance she still has to cross. The door is foreboding, and there's no guarantee she'll be successful, if she's even able to reach it. She hesitates, and suddenly we hear a dog barking close by.She must carry on.

Fin moves swiftly across the desert tundra. She reaches the front door, and stands up on her back paws as she begins to paw the door with her front paws.


Cut to the inside as her family watches TV. Mom tilts her head, and lowers the sound.

"Do you hear something? Sounds like Fin..."

Cut back to Fin as she redoubles her efforts. She's so focused that she doesn't see the Evil Pomeranian walking along the sidewalk... but the Evil Pomeranian sees Fin. It heads up the yard towards our heroine. The Evil Pomeranian begins to growl softly and sweet Fin is frozen in her tracks. Fin's tail puffs as she whips around to face the danger. Just when it looks like all is lost, Mom throws open the door and scoops Fin into her arms.

"Poor Finny!! Will you forgive me? You're so smart and so brave to come to the front!!"

Fin is rewarded with snuggles as she turns to look out into the dark. She shivers at what could have happened.

Somewhere in the dark the Evil Pomerarnian growls.

Fade Out


The Acatemy Awards

Mom loves the movies, and she loves the all the award shows that celebrate the movies. The Academy Awards is like Mom's version of the Superbowl. She makes fancy food, curls up on the couch, and spends nearly the entire pre-show on the phone with one friend and almost every commercial break with another. She loves all the fashion and, like a racoon, she's attracted to anything that's shiny.

Of course she also loves kitties. So to combine the two is always a good time. Last year we held the Acatemy Awards and invited any cat who wanted to join us in celebrating cats and movies. So starting tomorrow and going till probably Wednesday (unless Mom thinks of something else) please join us as. Mom tends to go for a screenplay, but you just never know what will happen in the movies. If any of my blogging friends want to play along, just post anything related to the movies and cats. Could be a movie poster, a review, a red carpet outfit, a screenplay, a video, or insert your idea here. You can re-release old posts too.

Everyone who plays is a winner, and will be able to take home this Valuable Award.

Thanks Glogirly and Katie for letting me steal your cat award, Mom DIYed the award last year.

Just Mr Linky below with your name and category (Fin-Best Picture) and let's have fun out there!


Floofy Friday

 The other reason I like the lights low...

 The lower the lights... the brighter the lasers.

Seems the light wars rage on in many households. Whatever your preference I hope you have a happy weekend friends. I have plans. Plans to wake Mom up very early (I like an early start to the day), eat breakfast, get a sip from the sink, nap, snoozervising, mid-afternoon snack, porch time, survey my turf, snuggles, nap, dinner, playtime, bedtime, rinse and repeat. Yep, a busy weekend... I better rest up.


Turn On/Turn Off

So one of the odder things in my house is the way my parents wage a largely silent war - on electricity.

Dad is a turner on person. If he could have every light in the place on at full blast, I know he would. He has a real thing for lighting, in fact he is like a little moth in any Home Depot electrical department. If it's bulbs or switches, it doesn't matter, he loves it all. He is such a turn on person that he rarely turns a light off.

Enter Mom. Her Cheapness is a true turner offer. She would like the minimal lighting in any given circumstances. Daytime or nighttime she is equally determined to turn it off. "Can you turn off the light?" is one of the most common phrases heard at the H.C.

I suppose if I was tall enough to reach a switch, I would fall in Mom's camp. I like it dark. I see better and hiding is easy. You would think the dimmer switches would have eased the battle lines, but no, not really. Dad still likes it all the way to high.

So friends do you like the lights on or off?

P.S. To the people who found this post by title only, sorry. As I re-read this, it probably wasn't what you thought you would find here... and the old post about Mom being a swinger was only in regards to my feather toy.


Getting Ready?

Are you getting ready for the ACatemy Awards? I think we will hold it starting next Monday till Wednesday. So what are the ACatemy Awards you ask? Well it's posting about anything movie-related to celebrate The Movies. You can post screenplays, movie posters, actual movies, or your creative idea here. You know we are not big rule makers, or followers, so anything goes, and yes you can use old posts and Mr Linky them. Let's just have fun!

Here is a little screenplay from last year to get you thinking. Enjoy!


Fade In

FIN is seen in profile, lying in the dimly lit living room. Her head is resting on her front paws. She stares intently, and warily, at an object just out of camera view. Camera pulls out to reveal THE BALL (a ball toy cage made of green plastic which holds a shiny, menacing bell at it's dark and evil heart). It sits directly in front of our heroine.

FIN rolls onto her back as she pretends to ignore it. After a few moments FIN twists her head to look at THE BALL as it mocks her with it's silent taunts. FIN flips suddenly to face THE BALL, and it doesn't back down. FIN reaches out gracefully with her paw and almost touches it, but suddenly she leaps up and saunters towards the mouth of the hallway.

FIN thoughtfully listens for the sounds of her sleeping parents (Cue sound effect of very loud snoring). She is pleased her family is safe. She looks at THE BALL with disinterest, but as she turns her head back to the camera we see the glint of mayhem in her eyes. FIN saunters casually past THE BALL and tucks quickly behind a cabinet.

Cut to THE BALL in the foreground and FIN in the background. FIN settles into a crouch and wiggles her hind quarters as she prepares for a vicious attack. FIN pounces in slow mo. THE BALL is helpless as it's caught in her ferocious bite (cue sound effect of the screaming tinkle of its jingle bell).

FIN stops mid-kill as she turns towards her sleeping parents (Cue sound effect of their snoring disrupted). FIN drops THE BALL and covers it with her paws to silence it's evil screaming. FIN wiggles her upper body to disorient it and whaps it hardly. THE BALL rolls swiftly towards the hall and the sleeping parents beyond.

THE BALL (loudly and menacingly): Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, tinkle

FIN races after THE BALL as it rolls towards her family. FIN throws herself on it, just as it makes a final break for the bedroom. FIN whaps THE BALL and it rolls in terror back to its living room lair. FIN curls up in the hallway corner, still vigilant and wary of another attack. Her parents snore loudly, blissfully unaware of the danger they've been rescued from.

Fade Out