
Floofy Friday

Quill: Hey Friday! We sure are glad to see you this week!
What? Yes. I have taken over the blog for a coupe weeks now. It's nice. Oh sure Greyson is still here... he's always here. 

This face? I give this expression whenever mom tries to pull her hand away during a bath. She complains that I lick the exact same on her hand till it's raw. 

She'll be all "Quillbert, that's enough in that spot. Maybe you could move a hair to the left?" 

Then I give the look above which is my "Really? You don't think that's clean yet do you? Do you?" 
It works too, because she usually turns it back over to me to finish. 

What about you Friday? I could get those whites to sparkle.


  1. Those humans don't know what clean is!

  2. Our Mommy sure was glad Friday showed up, too. We bet she would let you lick her in the same spot all day long. We'll send her right over. MOL!

  3. those mom can be very unappreciative :)

  4. More proof, if it were needed, that we felines excel at domestic tasks. They couldn't run things without us !

  5. Oh Quill, we love that expression on your face. Silly Mom, she just doesn't appreciate your nice effort to get her hand all nice and clean. You all have a great day.

  6. What a cute look yous have. Mommy luvs gettin' a baff so much she never sez anyfin'. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  7. Humans are so unappreciative of the things we do for them.

  8. Don't feel bad, Quill. Humans don't really know what "clean" means!

  9. NO one knows clean like a kitty. Good glare ya got going there to inform her of her wrongness about that!

  10. Thank you for your kind words about Lucy - she is starting to feel much better.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  11. Great photos- nice tock shot for Tocktober :)

  12. You train your humans well.

    -Clove & Kaspars
