

Mom: Here Finny, here's your new food from the Vet. Looks yummy doesn't it?

Fin: Nope.

Mom: Aren't you even going to give it a little taste?

Fin: Nope. I'd like my old food please.

Mom: I mixed your old food in with the new food, so it's practically like your old food...

Fin: Nope.

Mom (firmly): Well that's your meal, so you need to eat it. It's your only option.

Fin: I don't think so. We'll see.

Mom: Yes we will.

Cue cat mewing for hours on end till the wee hours of the night.

Mom (crabby and desperate): Fine!! Here's your mother lovin old food. Are you happy now?!

Fin: Yep


  1. Your Mummy really should know better by now!

  2. Oh my! You put your fluffy foot down didn't you?! We love your ways, you inspire us to be the same to our Mummy!

  3. MOL! Yep, that's about the way it goes. :-D

  4. Humans! Why don't they realize they would escape a world of annoyance if they only did what you wanted in the first place?

  5. Sumtimes yoo just hafta remind then who's boss!

  6. Way to wear her down Fin!

    ::high five::

  7. Haha! Fin, I guess you told her!! Good job hanging tough!

  8. LOL, thanks Fin for that great laugh. Good job holding out for the old food but maybe you should try the new food. What if it is good??

  9. Yeah.... we win. We always do. The Power of the Endless Meow cannot be denied.

  10. Fin, we discovered this very early here - an and what muck is this in my dish look, an arched back, a look of defiance and later when they're settled reading or watching TV or maybe have trying to have a snooze suck in your cheeks so you look starving and drag yourself along the floor showing you're too weak to stand and cry pitifully. Works every time - freshly cooked chicken is back on the menu!!

  11. Fin ~ tell your Mom to put that gravy on your new food.

    ~ Big Al ... the Purr Gang rep for this meowning. Which means that Mom is getting coffee and asked me to blog for her for a while ^,,^

  12. You go girl, yep beats nope any day!

  13. Nicely played!

    ~Casper and Angel~

  14. We just adore your spirit, Fin! We aspire to be just as stubborn and stolid as you are, one day.

  15. One -- Fin

    Zero -- Mom

    We love your style Fin!

    Fanks for coming by and celebrating my purrday with me.

  16. Hi Fin, looks like you have your Mom semi trained. How dare she try to replace your food with something not to your liking. At lest she finally came to her senses. Pity it took so long. ~AFSS

    Thanks for visiting me. You could never offend and I love visiting with you. ~Artmesia

  17. Good going Fin!! My mom has me on a diet and I think she is trying to starve me. Lots of love, Holly

  18. MOL good job Fin!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  19. Yep, Mom's are total pushovers, aren't they! Just meow for a while and get what you want!! Though we admit we probably would have tried the first food - just to be sure we didn't like it.

  20. There you go girl!

  21. WTG, Fin. That new food is obviously icky. Mainly cuz your Mom wants you to eat it.

  22. Well, Fin, it didn't take you long to get the whiff of that icky stuff, did it? You are verrrry wise!

  23. Diet changeover is stressful. I fully empathize. I have been with the same brand for the last 11 years; I never touched new foods over the years, no matter how hard SS tried.

  24. Great Post!!!! I thinks my mommy is hasing a seizure... or she's laffing- hard to tell.
