
So Excited

Greyson: What are those Mom?

Mom: They're heart-shaped pipe cleaner toys for our friends at BlogPaws. Remember, You tried to help...

Greyson: I've enjoyed helping you make them too! But I'm sure they'll pale in comparison when I show up!

Mom: Um, Greyson I'm going to BlogPaws, you're staying home at Casa De Housecat.

Greyson: What? How am I going to become an official spokescat for a toy or treat company?

Mom: Well you already are an official spokescat for us. I think that is enough don't you?

Greyson I guess.... Can I make the big announcement?

Mom: Absolutely!

Greyson: We all wanted to do something for our friends who won't be getting our pre-licked cat toys, so Mom finally figured out how to do a Kindle countdown deal for her book Housecat Confidential. So until Sunday night you can borrow for free with Amazon Prime and buy it on Kindle for $1.99! But wait there's more! All the proceeds from the sales of the book this weekend will be donated to a kitty charity!

Notice: Only lick-free toys will be distributed. 


  1. I was kind of hoping for a licked-ON toy! That would be a collector's item.

  2. Now that's some great announcement! We're off to Amazon now!

  3. We already have the book...and love it!

    The mom will be there tomorrow and can't wait to meet your mom, Greyson!

  4. What great cat toys. Our mom is so sad she isn't going to get to meet your mom.

  5. Wonderful ! When you do iBook , let me know : )
    And thanks a lots for purring for me
    Miss you guys

  6. Jackson, Hershey, Bear & PrincessMay 8, 2014 at 7:16 AM

    Bought it!

  7. Greyson, dood. You did a pawesome job spokescatting!
    (Pee Ess: Our momma got to meet YOURS last night!!! WOOT!)

  8. so.. does this mean that the licked ones are super rare and totally collectible?? :)

  9. (btw, My amazon account is saying the kindle edition is $3.99)
