
Dona Nobis Pacem

Today many bloggers throughout the world will dedicate their posts to the subject of peace. This movement was started by Mimiwrites. Peace is a big dream to try to be held within the borders of a web page. I like to imagine it's a hope held by most, and yet it proves to be elusive in the world.
Will my post, joined with many others, help to create peace? Will my humble post stop countries from going to war? I think that's probably too much for me to hope for. I'm but one small cat after all. I will try to demonstrate peace within my own sphere of influence and hope that my small piece of peace will encourage others to do the same. Perhaps with each of us making the effort in our own small spheres we can make changes the giant sphere you see above.
Treat the ones you love well. Treat the people that you don't love well too. Try to find the commonality between you instead of finding the reasons to disagree, and when we must disagree, do so with respect.


  1. Amen to that, Fin. I believe in peace, too! :)


  2. Noble sentiments Fin. From tiny acorns great oak trees grow.

  3. Thanks Luxie!

    Look everyone it's My Whicky Wuudler with his own picture in comments. He is blogged now, so go check him out.

  4. :: waving paws :: Hi, Whicky.

    Grrreat Peace Globe, Fin.
    Love and Purrs and Peace,
    The Sherwood Bunch

  5. Well said, Fin!!!! My SIF is a profound thinker.

  6. Peace is good. I support peace.

    Huffle Mawson

  7. We believe! We are Purring and Purring for Peace!

  8. Purrs and smooches and prayers for peace!

  9. Peace to you, too Fin!! If we all do a little bit it will grow into a big bit!! Love your Peace Globe!
    Your FL furiends,

    PS: Your prize package for winning the Floof & Fur category at the Frisky Fall Contest went out yesterday and your donation was appreciated! Samantha

  10. I totally agree, Fin.

    Purrs for Peace!

  11. A wonderful globe and post!
    Peace to you..
    ~ The Bunch

  12. Just popping in for a late afternoon, peaceful headbutt with Finny de Floof.

    Cor! what a day!


  13. Fin
    How lovely...what a beautiful tribute.

    purrs for peace

  14. Well said, Fin! Peace and hugs to you, my friend.

  15. Fin, I'm joining my little piece of peace to yours - so it already grew!
    Purrs for peace,

  16. Peace to you and your family :)

    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

  17. So nicely said, Fin!
    Peace to you and the whole world!
    Mrs. OZ, Tintin and Karl

  18. Beautifully written.
    There are some awfully smart cats in the blogsophere today...

  19. How wonderful! Yes, treat everyone well and you do your part for peace. Thank you for this short, but ever so important note on peace.

    Also, along the lines of treating those you love well. I finally found a site that has great lists of cat names. I found the name for my newest cat (Cleopatra) here and I just wanted to share it with the community in case anyone needs help choosing a name for their little lovable feline.

    Cat Names City
