
Halloween Changes

Well Halloween is over for another year. Mommy dressed in her traditional costume "Wild-Haired Lady, with No Makeup in a Nightie" and Daddy in his "Middle-Aged Guy Who's Way To Excited About Carving a Pumpkin." We did the traditional things, but it got me thinking.

Back in July I made some very well received suggestions on how America should alter the way it celebrates its birthday (look for an official campaign to be launched next year). After much careful consideration, I’d like to now suggest some changes to how we celebrate Halloween.

Change one - I don’t like the sound of the doorbell. It startles me. I also don’t care for my parents constantly getting up from the couch to answer the door for the wee ones. It disturbs my napping or snuggle time. Here's what I’d like to see instead. All the wee ones should gather together in front of the house, when everyone is present, they may politely knock on the door. The humans of the house pass out the treats, as the wee ones look in through the door and admire the kitty (resting at a safe distance, of course). When the candy runs out, or within 15 minutes, whichever comes first, Halloween is over, and on to the next house for the wee ones.

Change two - Why are we the only ones handing out treats? Shouldn't this be two way street? I’d like to see the wee ones bring offerings for the cat of the house as an exchange. Perhaps small hunks of Beef Jerky or Temptations can be left as offerings in a large bowl by the front door - call it a Bast bowl perhaps.

I think you'll agree that with these simple changes, Halloween can be fun for everyone.

Oh and I'd like to give a special shout out to Tater, my new pup hero. Mommy said a co-worker was trying on her scary Halloween outfit the night before Halloween, and saw that it startled the poor pup. She then chased poor Tater, amid startled barks, around the house. When she later removed the outfit, and fell asleep in a wine induced haze, Tater attacked and destroyed the costume. Good Dog! A virtual pat on the head for you.


  1. GollyGoshGollDabbit.
    Fin, you are one smart kitty and we will support you 100% on your proposed changes for halloween celebrations.

  2. Grand ideas, Fin! Especially the Bast Bowl!

  3. Those sound like great ideas!! We don't really know what Halloween is like. Being out here in the bush, we don't get any trick-or-treaters. The wee ones go in town to the Nanny's. That does sound like a terrifying experience so I'm all for the reform.

    Purrs Goldie

  4. You are one smart kitty Fin. I'm behind you 100%!

  5. There are genius proposals, Fin! You have our support!

    Rocky & staff

  6. Fin, you have it all right!

    Plus, we think that humans shouldn't have Halloween parties because they get too loud and keep us up.

    And humans should never be allowed to dress up like cats. They just look silly!

  7. I think your changes would be great ones - good for Tater, too! :)

  8. Hi everyone! So glad my ideas are gaining support. Seems a win/win to me (I'm even willing to let it go longer than 15 minutes per house).

    Colby and Cheddar so nice of you to come by. I agree no humans dressed as cats. Good to add.

  9. We support you completely! *purrs*

  10. You make some very good suggestions, Fin. Perhaps your could email them to the President of Halloween Day. We're sure he would take them under advisement and implement them after his cabinet approves them. And ---

    Percy: Jan, I'm typing here. Stop talking at me. Oh. There is no President of Halloween Day? Or Cabinet? Well, can I run them? Every holiday needs a President. And Fin can be my Cabinet. Jan ... why are you laughing?

  11. I think you've got the right idea, Fin! That doorbell thing is loud! Mom gave us Temptations and the boy had a friend over... I like her!
    Go, Tater!

  12. Fin, dat's a good idea, sspecially the Bast Bowl! Count me in.

  13. Sounds like very fair suggestions. We don't have much celebrations in Halloween here. Some may have parties but so low key that no one ever seems to notice.

    Pet to Tater from me as well!!! Good work!

  14. We'll sign the petition for those changes!

  15. I think there should be no question as to changing the rules to these!!


  16. You are a genius! I especially like rule two. That is so funny about Tater destroying the Halloween costume. Tater is my hero too.

  17. Good changes! We agree! But we are lucky - we live so far out on the desert - no one comes to our house for Halloween ever. Or ever, period.
    That dog deserves a treat, good job on the costume, hahahahahahahahahahaha

  18. What excellent reforms Fin, especially the Bast Bowl and admiring the kitty from a safe distance. Tater sounds like a grand little fella.

  19. FIN! What excellent suggestions, especially the part about admiring the kitty and leaving offerings for said kitty!
    For some reason Mom roared with laughter when she read about your peoples costumes!! And kudos to Tater...what a fright for the poor little fellow and how brave he was to attack that nasty thing later!
    Our week went reasonably fine but was still way too stressful, and we wish to thank you for your kind comments for us. So many cat bloggers stopped by we felt truly humbled. Thank you.

  20. Awesome ideas!

    I'm not sure I'd trusty crunchy treats from strange sticky little people though. I'm pretty sure they would lick them first.
