
Salon Day

Fin (jumping onto the bathroom counter): Hey Mom, whatcha doing?

Mom (mixing a bottle of dye): Oh, I'm dyeing my hair. Careful up here.

Fin: Are you sure that's a good idea? Remember the time you got blond highlights and you looked like a skunk?

Mom: Hey, that was the salon that did that.

Fin: But you thought it looked okay, till you got home. Remember when you got it dyed the color of carrots right before you left on a trip, and had to wait till you got home to have it fixed. Everyone called you "Le Carrot" on the trip (chuckles)... (Grows concerned as she watches Mom slather goop on her head) Maybe I should get Dad?

Mom: No it's fine. I've done this myself before. Now move along, or I may turn your grays blond.

Fin (ignoring request): Hey did you read these instructions? (lays on top of them)

Mom (continuing to pour goop on her head): What? Uh, no...

Fin: Did you do the strand test? The allergy test?

Mom: No! The "strand test" is for wimps. I've done this before you know.

Fin: Is your hair supposed to be green when you're done?

Mom: No! Why?

Fin: No reason... (crinkles nose) What stinks? (sniffs in Mom's direction). I think I'll wait in the other room.

Cut to Fin and Dad sitting on the couch watching TV. Mom strolls in flipping her hair saucily. Fin squints to see if there is any change - there is none - but she raises her paw in a thumbless-up affirmation for encouragement.

Mom: So what do you think? (turns around and flips hair in the light, so Dad can see)

Dad: Think of what?

Mom: Why do I bother?


  1. HA! Your dad is just like ours!
    Totally oblivious!

  2. All Dad's must be alike. Ours never notices our Mommy's hair either. She finds it very annoying. We hopes your Mom's hair didn't really turn GREEN. ~S,S,C & F

  3. What would your mom do without you, Fin?

  4. LOL! This was a very cute story, so wonderfully written! Makes our mom think she really needs to do a touch up on her hair too!

  5. So that's how you get your lovely highlights, Fin!

  6. Leave it to the dad not to notice! Did your mom's hair really turn green?

  7. So, what is your mom's hair color now? Not green, we hope. Otherwise, we worry about your dad as well.

    My SS's hair is starting to look like mine - grey and white. She nees to put some blonde streak ibn to match my tan patches. Don't think she is going to do it though.

  8. At least she's not the Le Carrot! :) Good you're with her to tell her what's what...! :)


  9. Our Mom laughed out loud at 'Le Carrot' and managed to spit tea all over the keyboard! She's such a klutz...

  10. It's an ash blond friends, but it sure looked green in the bottle. Pretty much it's the same color it was and all the gray hair is still visible.

  11. I bet your Mom's hair looks gorgeous.

  12. Fin, your mom is very lucky to have such a helpful hair colorist assistant. Mommy laughed at "Le Carrot" and "thumbless-up"...you're so funny!

  13. We think your mom is very brave to dye her hair herself...our mom would never trust herself to do it right and always goes to the salon. Uh oh...we think we just revealed to the whole Cat Blogosphere that mom dyes her hair!!! She's not gonna like that!

  14. Heh..."think of what?" Hehehe...

  15. All these beauty secrets, they are girl things... but our mummy thinks it's quite clever, she is laughing her head off and nodding at the same time... Le Carrot indeed!

  16. Fin, same old - same old.

  17. It sounds like our dads are similar. Mum could shave her hair off, and dad probably wouldn't notice.

  18. Hahahahahahaha! This was very funny! Maybe not so much for your mom though... ; )

  19. ha ha ha! That's my laugh for the day....thank you! Been there, done that (even the Le Carrot part!!) How nice of Fin to be the lovely assistant and offer support.

  20. Mom "touched up her hair" yesterday and our dad didn't notice either ~ EVEN when she said "do yoo like my hair?"

  21. If you send a picture over here, my dad will be very observant and say it looks nice. Mum has him well trained.

    Huffle Mawson

    Purr S: I would be very happy to review your book!

  22. The whole point of continuing to dye the hair is so that it doesn't look different. I agree with your Mom. But trying to get cats or dads to notice is an impossibility.

    By the way, have you received your package from us yet? Just want to know if I need to follow up with a trace or not.

  23. Fin, you are doing a good job as assistant colorist. My mom gave up on me since I was too much of a pest and now she outsources the job to another human...who owns a "dog"...hmmmm.

  24. It's a good thing she had you there to snoopervise, Fin. Otherwise it most likely would have been a disaster.

    MOL - thumbless-up... MOL That made our Mommy laugh.

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  25. Hee hee!! Too funny! My mom has salon days sometimes, and when I try to help her I end up with brown spots on my white furs. I call it my leopard look.


  26. It's a good job your mum had you to keep an eye on her.
    Our dad is the same and never notices anything different about mum.

  27. This was a very nice story, so what color is the hair now ?heheheh

  28. This is classic! It's true, the only time that you ever actually changed your hair color was the time with the "Le Carrot" incident (sorry). Your hair is ultra resistant to change, what is that all about, I could read in some deeper meaning, but I'll not go there. Good thing you are always a beauty! I love you Sis.

  29. Dads never notice stuff like that! And you know what? I don't think anyone does the strand test!

  30. Ah, ha ha ha ha.....that's our mommy laughing=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
