
Floofy Friday

In another edition of Phoning it in on Friday, here are some old floof pictures for your floof viewing pleasure.

I'm really workin it for the Pawparrazzi here
What do you mean you had a rough week Mom?
Mom claims she has had a rough week at work. I guess I'll believe her. She has seemed stressed when she's arrived at home. Tonight she even failed to ask me how my cat day was and ask me who the pretty kitty is. Of course we both know the answer, but I still like to be asked.

I knew my job was clear. Demand snuggles and lay on her lap looking cute as possible till she gives that face (you know the one - the squealy face). I even exposed my belly at closer range and let her hold my front paw while we snuggled. Cause I'm a giver, and truth be told, I do love her. She's Mom, nuff said.

Hope you all have a snuggling and relaxing weekend friends. Snuggle your humans, I imagine they can all use it.


  1. Oh yes...I agree with you Fin. All hoomans need a snuggle or two. purrr...meow!

  2. Fin, you are GOOD! I'm afraid that when my human is stressed out, I just absorb all that energy and hack up a hairball.

  3. Have a super snuggly weekend wiv yoor mom. xx

  4. All we do is scream for our food when the mom gets home. Okay, Nicki falls on the ground at her feet for belly rubs--but he does that to anyone who comes in the house. :-P

    Have a good weekend, Fin. We hope your mom gets to de-stress.

  5. I admit that I love it when mom comes home and says "where's my mitten"?

    It makes me purrrrr....

  6. We will take any pictures we can get. :) Take care of your mom - sometimes they need it more than they realize.

  7. We agree with you Fin - sometimes they need a paw to hold and a belly to rub - sigh - the burdens we carry!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. You are so good to make the day better for your human. That is the most important job cats have. The weekend is coming and that makes all humans happy!

  9. You did a fine job in destressing your Mom. We hope your weekend will be a nice relaxing one!

  10. you absolute dear! and yes, we humans LOVE your care... hope Darcy and Bingley are reading this too! Love Helen xxx

  11. Wes loves all your floofyness! And we too knows how to make our Mommy and Daddy all gooey. Its fun is'nt it! Has a cuddly weekend.

  12. Gorgeous floofiness and I think seeing you will cheer mum up for sure.. Hugs GJ xx

  13. ::swoon::

    Your Mom must indeed be stressed to neglect you so severely! Really. Who could fail to inquire about the State of the Floof?
    Fin, you are quite the benevolent Cat, to forgive her so readily.
    Snuggle on!

  14. Oh Fin, you really are working the pawparrazzi, that is for sure. Just look at the floof on that belly. That will sure help us get through the week end. And she should always ask you who the pretty kitty is. That has to be established. We hope Mom can get some rest this week end and then she can pay more attention to you Fin. Tell Mom, thanks again also for what she did for us.

  15. I hope you and your gorgeous floof have a terrific and snuggly weekend Fin!

  16. Fin you are generous to a tee! And I bet your mom felt so much better after having snuggles with you :)

  17. Fin,Mom would love to snuggle your lovely floof. Snuggling wif your Mommy can take her stress away, fur sure.
    xoxo Kassey

  18. Fin, you are beautiful AND generous! Your mom sure is lucky to have you. :)

  19. Fin you are such a giver! Your mom must know how much you care by now! Who can resist that flooffy belly? x

  20. We never get tired of seeing your floofiness, Fin! Have fun snuggling!!

  21. Poor mom, give her lots and lots of snuggles, SIF! Hope you have a relaxing weekend. My SS is working, :((((

  22. Awesome floof, gorgeous Finny!!...We hope your Mommy feels better and has less stress in her life; certainly having you to snuggle and adore will do that for her!...Happy weekend, precious friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  23. Hi, Fin. I'm sorry your mom had a stressful week at work. I hope she has a very relaxing weekend. I'm sure your gorgeous floof and purring make her happy :-)

  24. Your mom is very lucky to have such ready access to a master practitioner of floof therapy.

  25. Hi, Fin, you're right, my human Julie gets her spirits lifted just by snuffling my fluff and talking to me, so all the fur we always have to carry around and groom does serve a purpose!

    Happy Sunday!


  26. It's good to know you are on the job, Fin! Good work! I'm sure Mommeh was happy to just have you there. :)
