
Mom on Monday

Hi Friends, Mom here. It's taken a chilly turn here in the desert Southwest. Our Fall lasts for about one afternoon. We wake up one day while it's still fairly Summery and for a few glorious hours we have Fall. During those few hours we all gather around the TV to watch the one tree in the city turn autumnal and drop all it's leaves, and then by the evening Winter arrives.

Okay it's a slight exaggeration... sometimes the very next day can be Summer or Spring. Our poor trees get so confused they finally drop all their leaves in exhaustion.

I have to admit to a guilty confession, I love it when the weather turns cold cause I get my girl back. During the long hot months here I barely get a snuggle from my sweet floofy girl. I can only administer loving chin scritches from a distance. If I get any lap time, it's quick and a bit cranky.

When the weather turns cold my lap goes from the least popular spot to the most desired. She loves it best when I have a blanket over my lap so she can really sprawl. I get to pet my sweet girl and hear her happy purrs which warm my heart as she warms my legs.

This weekend my girl has been so happy and kitteny. Playing with her toys and snuggling close. I love it. Now if you'll excuse me I have a cat waiting to take her spot back.


  1. We're not snuggly in any weather. Although when it gets colder, we DO turn into crazy kitty maniacs!

  2. Mommy says if Fin isn't snugglin in summer your not runnin the AC high enuff! We are snuggle bunnies year round. Daddy says Mommy keeps the house cool enuff to hang meat! We wish she did hang meat! Yummy!

  3. Finny Mommy, I'll come sit on you anytime! Although I do bite. A little.
    XX Grayce

  4. Wes gots super cold this week. Daddy wents out and bought me a heating balnket! Me is so happy! Me don't care it is way colder than we usually gets until January! Me hopes spring comes early...

  5. I hope your are warming up your mom Fin! My mom is always cold!! So she needs lots of blankies and lots of furries!

  6. That's so heartwarming. We hope you and your little girl get lots of laptime during this winter.

  7. The same happens around here when the weather turns cold. I have spent my recovery time surrounded by two purring ladies. It's bliss!

  8. LOL @ Prancer's comment about the AC!

    With our fall and impending winter weather, Derry likes to sleep with me, curled up against my legs or the small of my back. I find it comforting--though not the lying-on-my-face-to-smother-me-at-2AM. He usually doesn't sleep with me in the summer, though--too hot for us both.

  9. We snuggle mom and dad when it's cold too ~ 'cos dad is "sparing" abowt puting the heating on now he's retired. :sigh:

  10. That does sound like purrfect snuggling weather!

  11. I understand completely...Take that prime snuggle time when you can get it!

  12. We all snuggle together when it is colder - and boy today is colder here than yesterday by about 15C.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  13. It is colder here too....but mom likes fall as well. And we are glad Fin has decided to get cuddly again!!

  14. We understand completely! When the weather turns colder here, every cat becomes more snuggly. :)

  15. That is so sweet!

    i am sorry fall is so short for you. Here in NW Wales, we get one season, it's called wetandwindy!

  16. Oh I love that post. And we are so glad that you have your girl back in your lap. That just put a huge smile on our Mom's face. Fin,we are so happy you are making that Mom so happy. We know how she feels. Our mom loves us to pieces too. Take care.

  17. Our mom feels the same way because we're much more snuggly when the weather is cooler. Enjoy your Fin time.

  18. Fin has one of the sweetest faces I've ever seen on a cat. Just a whisker away from human. No doubt, years of love from Mom and Dad. Paired purfectly. We look fwd to each post from you. Always special. Love to you all.
