

So Mom has been a bit out of it lately... something about being worn out. I've even been a bit short changed on the kitty lovin. Well the other day she was reading our friends posts in our Google Reader when she came to the end of the reader, and in her stupor she clicked on the link that said "The End of the Internet" which took her to this page.

"The End of the Internet

Congratulations! This is the last page.

Thank you for visiting the End of the Internet. There are no more links.

You must now turn off your computer and go do something productive.

Go read a book, for pete's sake. "

This made us laugh and laugh, until we both realized that maybe she should be doing something productive. Like petting me more, taking a walk, or getting the photos ready for my book. Yep I think I need to focus her a bit. We might need to cut back on our commenting for awhile, unless we can't resist which is pretty often. We will be lurking, just less commenting.


  1. We're gonna be taking a blogcation when we move, so we'll be gone for a bit ourselves this month! Your book sounds really exciting:)

  2. We ran across that a few days ago! We keep trying to visit, but some nights it's just not possible visit everyone.

  3. We all just do the best we can in the visiting department! We are ssooooo excited about your book!

  4. It's hard work visiting everybody every day. But there are some blogs I never miss and yours is one of them!

  5. Haha! We didn't know the innernets had a end! And it shoulda said...now go pet your cat, for pete's sake!! And who's pete anyways???

    Sometimes being a lurker can be fun!

  6. But... but... I've only just found you, lovely girl cat!!


  7. It will be worth it to get the book done!

    Huffle Mawson

  8. My mom thinks that way too... sometimes! It makes me scared. Mom says it can take lots of time to visit and comment!!!

  9. We TOTALLY understand.
    Of course you won't cut back the commenting on our blog.
    Or will you? (big eyed)
    Smiles and love your way, Siena & Chilli

  10. Don't stay gone too long Fin. We would miss you too much.

  11. Wow! Wonder if we'll reach the end of the internet! Our mom said she would definitely read your book, even though it's about a kitty. Fin, you will be the exception to her rule!

  12. Oh Fin, we understand where your Mom is coming from. Tommy thinks she spends too much time at the PC. When we fall asleep by her PC screen or at her feet or Uncle MaxMaxx licks her ankle-she's knows she oughta go read A Cat Who...Book...:)

    But don't go TOO far!!


  13. Your book is definitely something to look forward to but we'll miss you being around!

  14. Our Mommy says she understands how your mom feels, but we would miss you. Do what you gots to do, though. :)

    We can't wait for your book! (Our Mommy says to make sure your mom releases it in ebook-friendly form, especially Kindle for Amazon. *grin*)

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  15. Oh BOY! A Book!! (Like the ones I will read after the end of the Internet ;-) ) Fin, I can't wait.

  16. A book?!?!?! That would take a lot of time and effort. Good luck.

  17. Sometimes you have to lurk. We certainly know how that goes! But it is true, we need to appreciate the wonderful things right in front of us.


  18. Yes, sometimes reality must introod on internet life! It's simply a must. I'm sure Fin will enjoy all the extra attention.

  19. I have seen that page - I thought it was very funny. And as I get behind on commenting and visiting a lot I have no problem with anyone cutting back! I encourage it!

  20. Oooooooh, we will miss you but yes, visiting takes time and commenting takes more.
