
Let's Make it a Week

Last week I mentioned that it's been awhile since we hosted a themed week, and it's time we fixed that. I wish I could give Mom credit for thinking of it but it was our friend Michelle that came up with the idea.

As you know I like to break a rule guideline as often as possible, so why not make a week of it? So I proudly announce...

Scafflaw Week! (Fun badge pending) I'm thinking August 23-27th.

What's a Scafflaw you might be wondering? Well I had Mom look it up to make sure she had it right. A Scafflaw is a person pet who flouts the law, by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively. Yep that sounds perfect, I mean who doesn't like to flout?

The rules to participate as always are pretty easy. Any species can play and any rules you Scafflaws flout is allowed. You can tell stories about your exploits, or post pictures or whatever you can think of.

Come on, Let's Flout!


  1. Wow. I'm not sure I can participate because as far as I can tell, there are no laws here to stop me from doing anything I want.

    ...but on the other hand, I do have a bunch of rules that my human seems to break pretty frequently. Maybe I can find some examples of that.

  2. Mommy says she'll ride in the car with Daddy and get a picture of the speedometer. Whatever THAT is!

    Hmmmmm, anybody got a full bladder and where's the camera?

    We're doing our contest tomorrow, come on over and play!

  3. Oh, Toby has been waiting for this. He's got some pictures to submit : )

  4. You are such a fun girl, sweet Fin=what a great idea for a theme!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  5. Yeah, we can manage this one! We flout all the "guidelines" all da time. And Dad does too ~ is it reserved just for cats or can we enter our dad too? Tee hee!

  6. Oh that sounds like FUN! jane should be really good at this.....

  7. I might not have any photos but I have my scafflaw story all ready!

  8. This sounds good - we can be naughty and it's allowed - we can't wait to get started.

  9. We are rebels, so we know we'll have a story or two!!

  10. It's going to be hard to choose which "flout" to showcase ;) Count us in though !!!

  11. Now that, sounds like our sort of week. Count us in!

  12. Oh my this sounds like great fun. It is legal to break the rules. Course we don't have many rules here but we will find something bad to do to Flout it. Great idea Fin. Can;t wait. Have a great day.

  13. Great idea. Lots of rule-breaking going on around here, just need to get pictures of the infractions. Hm........

  14. Ha I have Mom fooled she thinks I don't break any laws....




  15. Great idea, Fin! Do we send you a link to our blog? Thanks. Marcy

  16. Sounds like fun, we may have to break some guidelines yet unbroken!

  17. Well, as founders of the Naughty Kitty Club, we have to say that this is quite possibly one of the best theme week ideas EVER! We are SO in!

  18. What a great idea! You can count us in for sure, Fin:)

  19. Breakin' Da rules is what we do daily,..... actually, it would be more fun if we could remember what rules we were about to break! Mom can easily catch us Fin!=^Y^=

  20. hehehe! We got this one !

    If you got it, flout it!

  21. Now that sounds like fun! I've broken the rules so much that I was arrested by animal control when I was a puppy! Lots of love, Holly
