
The Story - Part 1

I know what a tease I am, just showing off some kitten tush and not telling the whole scoop. Here's The Story. At least the first part.

A couple of days after sweet Fin passed, I logged onto Petfinder and saw the perfect kitten named Buttercup. It seemed too soon though, and I hesitated till the next day to go to the shelter. I walked in and saw Buttercup and I was in love. I called the shelter person over to collect my kitten. She pointed out the "I'm Adopted" sign on the kitten's cage. I was devastated. I cried all the way home and the rest of the night too. 

A couple of days later I logged onto Petfinder again and saw a kitten named Megan. I could hear The Coalition of The Ones Who Came Before talking about how even I wouldn't be able to miss that sign. Let's face it, I was a mess and needed all the guidance I could get. Surely this was my kitten!

Everything about getting this kitten seemed difficult - the paperwork, the references, and the timing. I was going to meet the kitten, but others were interested too. I pictured sitting in a circle with a bunch of other people as we waited to see who the kitten would choose - I was planning on putting catnip and chicken in my pockets. I started to think it was all difficult for a reason. Maybe it just wasn't my kitten. I went to bed asking Cod that if a kitten was meant to be, to make it easy.

The next morning, I happened to click on Craigslist. The first listing said "Long Haired Kittens"... well that's easy I thought as I clicked on it. There she was. I squealed out loud. 

Holy Cod, what a cutie!! She was a rescue kitten with two siblings. I sent an email within a few minutes of the posting saying I wanted to meet her. I listed every phone number I had, and hit send. 

I waited. An hour went by and I was nearly beside myself. Then I thought to refresh my email. Victory! The rescuer (Kacie) was going to be home after 5pm, and I could come after 5pm. Saying I would be there at 5pm seemed rude, 5:15 seemed like a nutcase, so I named 5:30. 

Hubby and I acted casual as we decided maybe we should just stop and get a carrier - just in case. Might as well get everything else too we reasoned. Not that anything was certain, but it never hurt to be prepared. We arrived at 5:19.


  1. Oh yes, your a tease...it's well after 5:30 and here I am, waiting again!

  2. Ai yi yi!!! May I invite myself over? I promise not to make a mess on the carpet. I NEED to sniff this kitten.

  3. Such a cutie she is! We hope she starts blogging soon.

  4. What a neat story. Except the crying part. We're sorry things didn't work out for the first two but we think - hope you're going to tell us it did for the 3rd and that's where you got Quill. :)

  5. Ohhhh, she is adorable! More details, please! :)

  6. We are glad you took a carrier with you when you went to meet Quill.

  7. oh. my. gah. she's SO FREAKING CUTE! are her feet really big or is it the photo. you know what they say about kittehs with big paws...

  8. Aunty Meg,
    This story makes me cry.....with joy! Quill is such a cutie... purrr...meow!

  9. HaHaMeow! This sounds like our Mommy! Send a sign, not right time, arrive early, etc. We think it all worked purrfectly!

  10. OMC! What a cutie pie....::no momma Ellie...you can't nurse her::

    Ok, mom admits...she would have shown up at 5:18 give or take a few seconds. Ha!

    Quill, I hope we will be good pals!



  11. What an adorable kitty! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story!

  12. Hurry hurry with Part 2! This is so exciting. :)

  13. This is so exciting. Hi, little Quill!

  14. Mocha & I are so happy for you and little Quill. Please hurry with part 2!!! Meow! She is CUTE.

  15. Mum is biting her fingers while waiting for the next instalment - please hurry or her fingers will be too sore to serve us our dinner!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  16. MOL, Oh no more waiting. Don't know if we can stand this waiting much longer. Quill, where are you?? You need to get to training your person to get you on the blog. This is fun even if we do have to wait. Take care.

  17. It was meant to be....can't wait for the "rest of the story"...

  18. Awwww - now you know why the first two tries didn´t get you anywhere.
    This is the one The Ones Who Came Before wnated you to have!
    I bet Finny loves her!

  19. OHHHHH THAT FACE!!!!!!!!!!!! She is the most precious thing EVER!!!

    She makes me want to start drawing again.

    Look at her eyes, so alert, she ALREADY knows that she will rule your family (and your heart)...she looks like a little spit fire and I am already smitten!!

    Sooooo happy for you and so happy that I got to see more than "kitten tush!!"


  20. Oh now I cant wait for the next instalment. Hope its good news because that is one cute kitten.. Hugs GJ xx

  21. I would have been there at 4.55!

  22. YOu held out until 5:19! that's pretty good! Cant wait for the rest of the story!

  23. When you know it's right...it just is.


  24. Our mum would have been camped outside the door waiting for the time to arrive. Can't wait to read the next part of the story.

  25. Maxwell: MOWZERS! You had her at meow didn't you!
