
Floofy Friday

Maybe Mom thought it was unfocused Friday?

Ah well, I still rock it.

I haven't heard anything back from G Warming. Maybe this weekend. So what do you all have planned for this weekend?

Mom is threatening Summer Cleaning (yeah, she's a little late for Spring Cleaning, although she would argue she's early for Fall Cleaning). I'm all for it - unless it involves de-floofy any part of the house, or the Evil Dyson, or throwing out my sack (I have it perfectly tamped down)... maybe I don't really want her to clean after all. She's even threatening to call the carpet cleaning company. Hopefully she looses steam, she usual does. No cat wants strangers in the house with major equipment.

Have a great weekend friends. Stay cool or warm as the case may be.

Oh yeah, has anyone seen July? Mom keeps saying she has no idea where it went.


  1. I'm doing the same thing your mom is threatening - slowly cleaning out the house and getting it ready for the kittens!

    Mom Paula

  2. Fin, we hope you hear back from global warming soon. They seem to be rather rude not getting back with you on such a serious issue!! We think cleaning should be left for another month/year or some time in the far future!!! We hope to get some rest this weekend and try and stay cool! We hope you do too! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  3. My mommy has been wonderin where July went to also! We are purraying fur rain this weekend. xoxo

  4. Our Mom lost July too. Sill humans cant' even keep track of a month!!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  5. If my human manages to deal with the mess on her desk, that alone will be a major accomplishment.

  6. Mummy says she's going to play with her new toy this weekend. She got a steam cleaner! As if the vacuuming wasn't enough. Ugh.

    Love, Cosmo and Ling

  7. Fin,
    Tell mom July never came. That's why. har har har *evil laughs*

  8. have a great weekend to u too Finn

    much love;
    BoBo Salem & the gang

  9. Summer Cleaning? This sounds horrible. We have managed to stop our apes using the evil Dyson by sleeping as beautifully as we can in any room they wanna vacuum in. We have trained both apes not to use anything that makes a racket when we are sleeping. Shabby chic is the norm here. Much healthier and quieter for all :)

    Have a nice quiet weekend Finny!

    Gerry & Oliver

  10. Oh we are so lucky, our Mom hates to clean so our house stays purrfect for us cats. Every once in a while she gets a burst and does some. She actually removes our hair, can you believe that. Can't wait to hear what G.Warm has to say. Nice try Fin. Take care.

  11. Oh, Fin. You look fantabulous...in or out of focus!

    Cleaning? Spring, summer or otherwise? What's that?

    If it's cooled down enough, "The Boys" will get to spend some time on their beloved front porch.

  12. July has been cancelled due to lack of interest.

    G Warm is very tardy in his response. How rude!

  13. CariScat is almost right...cleaning has been cancelled due to lack of interest! Have a great weekend Fin!

  14. Don't you hate it when mums start talking cleaning - fortunately here it usually is just talk!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  15. We hate it when Mom pulls out the Great Noisy Sucky Beast. We don't mind the rest of the cleaning too much though. Happy weekend!

  16. Yeah, cleaning is over-rated, except for grooming of course. Well maybe not Johnny...

    Fin, you are looking good, fuzzy or not!

  17. July flew by at the speed of light. I saw it briefly, blinked and it was gone. Hope u don't have to endure strangers in the house with big noisy things.

  18. If you hear back from Mr. Global, please let him know that we'd like to vote Mr. Humidity off the island.

  19. You're looking good, Fin! We don't have much planned for the weekend. It's gonna be kinda hot, so we'll be doing our best to stay cool!!

  20. We sympathise - all that hard work floofing up the house!

  21. Your Mom sounds like Tommy...threatens to do stuff, then finds something else to do. I think you so splendid in your photos--unfocused or not--it's clear you are quite the diva,Fin!


  22. why doour mommies ruin things that we have worked hard at making just right..including when we get things perfectly furred?

  23. Oh no evil Dyson is coming! Strangers with equipment are even worse. I hope the summer cleaning will be over soon!

  24. Ya, that tart July nipped 'round the back and is hangin out with that strumpet June! The nerve!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  25. I think your Mom should postpone her cleaning plans till you hear back from Mr Warming. Won't be long, right?
