
Thankful Thursday

Turns out I have a few things to be thankful for on this Thursday:
  • The other day we mentioned about the crazy window-opening thingy when we would visit an occasional blog - well some of our friends mentioned trying Foxfire and so far we're loving it. No more stupid pop-ups telling us we may be viewing secure or un-secure data. It seems to tell you when you have a spelling error when you're leaving comments (I know all of you will appreciate this feature on Mommy's behalf).
  • Did I mention how much I love my bed?
  • I was contacted to try out a cat toy! Yep they offered to send me a toy - just to give it a try. Can my dream job as cat-food taster be far behind? Celebrity spokescat for Petsmart? A grannycat can dream...
  • Finally I have to give a shout-out to Mommy. Every night during prime blog time I love to take a little nap on her. If she slumps down I can get a nice piece of real estate on the upper tummy or chest. Naturally this makes it near impossible to still use her laptop, but she still tries to persevere by typing over or around me. She hates to kick me off (as Daddy suggests) because she loves me that much! Back at you Mom!


  1. How cool! What toy do you get to try? Getting to try stuff is awesome, isn't it?

  2. OMG! You're going to be a toy tester?! How pawesome!

  3. Evening tummy naps are teh best! You are a very lucky cat.

  4. Toy tester is the coolest job ever!

  5. Wow, a professional toy tester! That's so awesome! I'm hoping to be hired as a cheese taster.

    PS...mom is typing around Bennette right now...

  6. Wow, you get to test out a toy,that's very cool. We can't wait to hear more about it.

  7. Oh yes, toy tester is the best job in the world besides nom nom tester and bed warmer.

  8. My mom is liking firefox too! You have such a great mom to hold you while she is on her laptop! You are lucky to be a toy tester. Make sure it is a safe toy! And don't get hurt testing any toys!

  9. You are so right, Mommies are the best! Toy tester, that sounds super. We just got our Fling String and it's lots of fun...wonder what toy you will get?=^Y^=Setzer

  10. Toy tester! Wow what a great job!
    Our mum has to type around us most of the time too.
    We think it was Forty Paws who told us about Firefox when we were getting a lot of trouble with IE about a year ago and we have never looked back since then.

  11. You're gonna be a toy tester! How cool is that!

    Our mom does the same thing when we sit on her lap when she's trying to blog...she rarely disrupts us even though she sez we are disrupting her!

  12. What a great deal! Toy tester!
    I bet you do a great job!

  13. I can't believe you weren't already using Firefox :)

    Mums are pretty good aren't they? Mine does the same for me.

    Huffle Mawson

  14. WOW! You are so lucky to be a toy tester - we dream of doing that ...

  15. We use Firefox too - it's way cool!
    Thank you for your sweet birthday wishes yesterday, BSIF. I am happy to have your guidance in the world of Ladycatdom. Chilli is already milking the "the only kitten in the house status"...
    Purrs, LSIF

  16. Wow, a celebrity spokescat, how exciting!! We use firefox too -- it's really the way to go.

  17. I'm glad Firefox is working out for you. We like it much better than IE.

  18. Firefox rocks! I think it is super cool that you're a toy tester. That must be a great job!

  19. We're glad Firefox worked out. Be sure to keep it updated now!


    How do you become a testing cat. Sounds very interesting.

  20. We're getting to test that cool new toy too, we're SO excited. Firefox is better no matter what the Tall Man claims....


  21. You get to test a new toy? Lucky!

  22. Toy Testing?! Good thing Mommy gives you all you need to have fun!

  23. Toy tester is my dream job! You are soooo lucky.

  24. Congratulations spokeskitty.
    Daaaah, what's Foxfire all about?
