
My Good Times - Ruined - Again

I felt so sure that finally this weekend my streak of limited porch time would be broken. The Storm Family had taken their leave and Mr Sun was on-duty, but not working too hard.

I waited by the door to make my way onto my beloved porch, and then Mom opened the door to happy times. Dad went outside with us. I was getting my first roll in the dirt when Mom decided the camera needed to come outside too. Naturally I wasn't thrilled with this news, but with sun on my floofy belly, I was going to let it slide. I have my adoring public to think of after all.

And that's when things went all wrong.

Mom was about a foot from the door when she started to scream like a banshee (Not you Banshee). I was scared to death. So was half the neighborhood, including the small children two backyards away who thought Mom was a Halloween sound effect come early. Mom managed to clamp one hand over her pie-hole and used the other hand to point at the wall beside the door.

What was the horror? A Praying Mantis (Mom could hardly type that now - and she's started scratching again - Good Cod). Dad came running over and said "Wow, Look at that! Get it Finny!" I was considering my approach when Mom grabbed me in her arms and ran to the end of the porch still squealing. "No! Not Finny! What if she misses and it gets INSIDE!!!" Rude.

Dad dispatched the giant bug alone as I was left to flail helplessly in Mom's arms. To make the whole incident the tragedy it became. Mom refused to stay outside and we were all ushered back indoors for the remainder of the weekend.


  1. Elsie was looking khute on my blog again today -

    I'm just sayin'


  2. A praying mantis?? Sometimes I pray that one of them will hop into my mouth.

  3. Fin, that is a tragedy. On so many levels! Mostly because we don't get any floofy belly shots.

  4. That was pretty bad, but I can't say things would have gone much better round these parts. My human worships those darn manti! She has always been bummed that there are not many of them here in SoCal. I would have been ushered away from it quickly to avoid hurting it.


  5. Yow! You do paint the vivid picture, Fin. We feel like we were there with you and are disappointed as well! Our mom likes all manner of bugs except a select creepy few and unfortunately these ones she wants us to eat we find just as creepy as she does!

    -Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

  6. Poor Fin, that was just wrong! Our mama is terrified of all manner of bugs & usually stomps them before we get a chance at them. Beans...they're just no fun.

  7. Ooh I would freak out too! Lucy gets to catch the house spiders but nothing quite so scary!

  8. We're not allowed to whap those because they're 'good bugs'. Tell your Mom that they're ugly but they're good bugs and won't hurt her.....
    Sorry about your abbreviated porch time......

  9. Well, I'm sorry you had to miss out on your porch time, AND bug-chasing. Better luck next time.


  10. Fin, if your mom wants to be hysterical over a praying mantis (and our mom might be too), we say fine. But that's no reason to spoil your fun! She could have gone back inside and left you and your dad out to enjoy the fresh air!

  11. We feel your pain Fin - mum is sat here scratching and she's never even seen one!!

  12. That sounds like fun! Dad's always trying to get me to catch Melvin (he's the back porch mouse--and one of my best friends). It's more fun to play.

  13. Poor Fin, sorry you had to go inside :-(

  14. Man, humans can be such pansies sometimes! A praying mantis isn't gonna hurt anybuddy. Sorry you didn't get to hurt it, Fin.

  15. So sorry your Mom was such a wimpy about the Praying Mantis. She needs to get her bugs straight. Those ones are fine. You could have had an awesome game with it.

  16. Kind of glad your Mom rescued you from that large bug. Poor Mom, bet she had to nap the rest of the day from that trauma. Too bad it meant you had to stay inside for years after that. Take care Fin and hope you have a better week.

  17. oooo - we can relate. We get what mom calls the "big hairy bugs" here...long with lots of legs and antenna. Makes her scream every time. She found one in the bathroom last week and we was sure she woke up the neighbors. Course we don't like them bugs either - we will sit and stare at them but she is on her own to be catching and killing them.

  18. Your Mom is very silly, she didn't even take a picture of the preying mantis. Shame, Shame.

  19. My Mom wouldn't have let me play with that bug either cuz she doesn't want to hear me crunch the 'nasty' things. I chase spiders when they come in .....Kassey

  20. Awww Fin that would've made a good tasteful snack! And then to lose your porch time...preposterous!


  21. Well that just bites!

  22. Hmmmmm...sounds like your Mom has no confidence in your ability to dispatch a bug. Sad.

  23. Hmmmm... I still would like to nom on a mantis. They sound tastey. We hope you can get your porch time back soon. If not, just telepurrrt up here sometime, where it's mantis-free.

  24. Poor Finny. You missed out on porch time and a big tasty bug.

  25. Now how could that little bug make such a scare for your mommie? Good thing that the daddie found a safe place for it. Around here you cannot harm them. When the folks see them in the lawn when they are mowing they go way around it so as to not hurt it. Hope you have some more porch time before the cold weather takes over.

  26. Sorry Fin! If I have to live with a woofie, you should too! It's kind of cool. Grete let's me eat food out of her dish while she is eating!

  27. Oh fer cryin' out loud!
    How can one woman wreak so much havoc?
    We hope dad set the mantis free in a different part of the yard and didn't smoosh it.

  28. But, but, but, it's only a Praying Mantis. So what's the problem?

  29. moms always wreck all of the fun...

  30. Your mom TOTALLY ruined your fun times! Sorry, Fin. :(

  31. Hi Fin! We are sorry your good time was ruined like that!

    Oh boy and your mom would have hated our mom's house growing up - they had praying mantises as pets sometimes!

  32. Uh, we getz da idear that your Mom doesn't like praying mantissss? We have them all over our windows and in our catio. Luckily, Sally hasn't brought one inside yet!

    Luf, Us

  33. Sorry Fin, but I can barely type, I am laughing so hard.
