
Floofy Friday - Live Strong

Do I look Yella to you?

Well good, I meant to. I'm not Yella in a scaredy-cat way, but in a feline warrior way. You see I'm going Yellow to support Live Strong Day on October 2. Many bloggers are posting yellow to show their support for those who live with (No, better yet, Survive) Cancer, and to show their support to ones who love them. 

Cancer touches so many of us unfortunately, furries and humans alike. Although great strides have been made in treating it over the years, we can only hope that there is a lot more left to do. We'd like to take a moment and remember all our friends and relatives that live with this disease and fight it like all the warriors they are. Mom and I would also like to purr for the ones who left us too soon. 

(Humans may purr metaphorically, cause that would be weird)
Mom sends comforting e-hugs and I'm sending e-nose taps that all of our friends are Living Strong and well. Have a yellow and strong weekend.


  1. WEll done Fin, I just love the positive attitude!!!

  2. You look good in yellow, Fin. Pawsome post.

    -Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

  3. Fin, Wonderful thing you do. Go Live Strong Day !

  4. yay Fin! We're getting our yellow post ready for tomorrow and are really excited about seeing everyone elses.

  5. That was very nice Fin! We will be purrticipating too. I hope you have a wonderful, snoozy weekend!

  6. We will be yellow tomorrow as well and will be thinking good wishes for all the survivors and remembering those that didn't win their battle.

  7. Ohhh lovely and floofy Miss Fin... we want to thank you so much for your kind words and healing thoughts for Inigo. You brightened our day when things were looking very dark.

  8. What a totally pawsome post Miss Fin!

  9. Very nice Fin!!! Love the post!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  10. You look good in yellow Fin! You know what? Sometimes mom tries to purr and she just sounds ridiculous...but gotta love that she tries.

  11. This is a great post Fin - we are very excited about Livestrong Day and we will be yellow for it!

    And we think you look cute in yellow!

  12. Excellent post, Fin! Well done! We'll be joining in tomorrow for LIVESTRONG!

  13. Fin, you are lovely in yellow and have s good positive attitude...Kassey

  14. Our dad is a six survivor! He had soft tissue cancer (sarcoma) in his leg. Now his leg looks like he had a shark attack him, but they got it all.
    Live Strong, Fin!

  15. Great job, Fin! We will be joining in tomorrow, too. Live strong!

  16. Thank you from our hearts for supporting LIVESTRONG day by going yellow.

    Blessing to all those who are currrently fighting cancer, are cancer survivors, or who have lost their lives to this terrible disease.

    LIVESTRONG always.

    Love from Milo and Alfie, Mom-Jan and Dad xxxx

  17. Thank you for reminding us all to LiveStrong, Fin! Cancer is a terrible disease that takes too many loved ones too soon (I know too well, as you know). Love and support to all!

  18. Fin, you're a great example of how good we all look in yellow--a LiveStrong yellow, that is! A beautiful post and heartfelt. We couldn't agree more.

  19. Together we all show our support in making cancer awareness today. Too many lives have been lost. Hopefully some day cancer will be something of the past never to worry about again.

  20. Fin,
    we got our Sparkle book in the mail today. It is excellent and we really love the pawtograph inside!

    Your post today is excellent!
    Our post is now up honoring our dad.

  21. Yes you are a feline warrior, we are all warriors against a common foe! Livestrong and Lovestrong too!

  22. Yellow looks good on you sweet Fin=^Y^=Live Strong

  23. Great post! We hope there is a cure found soon! Our mom had kidney cancer 3 and a half years ago! We like you in yellow!

  24. Fin, we wanted to say Live Long and Live Strong for yesterday. We went yellow in the hope that cancer will become a thing of the past very soon.
    Purrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

  25. Excellent post, Livestrong!

    Guess what? My mom person & I have created a new blog at www.PetBlogsUnited.com.

    We'd love it if you would come over and check it out & become a member. It's a great new place for pet bloggers to find each other, and get an opportunity to be a featured blog!

    Nubbin wiggles,
