
Paw to Your Mother

Well friends as many of you know it's a never ending battle to get Mom out of bed at appropriate times. She is so stubborn. Just when I think I have her bladder well trained to wake at 3am for her potty time and a snack for me, she stops drinking water earlier in the evening.

I'm constantly having to come up with new ways to get her attention. I've found some new things that have been working well, and naturally I need to share:

  • Pushing your paw into your humans exposed, fleshy leg parts. I recommend a three to five minute interval. Very effective. 
  • Sitting on the dresser (just out of reach, naturally) and meowing at one minute intervals. You don't have to go too loud on this one, the repetition is the real powerhouse of this move. 
  • The "Over the hip, over the pillow loop" is a real showstopper. You race over the hip/tummy area, around to the pillow and repeat. Humans tend to flail so you need to be cautious of shifting parts senior kitizens. 
No get out there and meow safely!


  1. I like climbing up on my mom's chest and just standing there.

  2. Have you ever done all three of them on the same night?

  3. We like to bladder-stomp. Works with Mommy in any position...prone, supine or on her side. We will try your methods tonight for fun!

  4. Please, Fin, Momo doesn't need any more expert coaching. I need my sleep. She is not seeing this!


  5. Sukki walks all over Mommy, back and forth, purring loudly :)=who can get mad at that?!!...Happy Wednesday, beautiful Finny...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  6. Jack here: I am the one with the responsibility of getting Mom up. I do the repetitive meow, but she is so stubborn and hates to wake up! Sometimes I scrub at her legs. The most effective move is to step on her bladder. Yep. I know just where it is, and all my weight on one paw does it, whether she has to actually go or not.

  7. Fin what wonderful ways you have of getting mum up, try a squeak from a toy mouse at 2am that always wakes me!!

  8. I will share this informayshun wiv Mr Boots an Ramses since I duz not care abowt teh noms. They duz a nice tag team wake up rootine between teh two of thems but they iz always looking for new tekneeks.

  9. I rake my claws through mum's hair. Works every time!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This is sure to wake your Mommy up. It works for me everytime. You very gently bite your Mommy on the nose. The divider thingy between the two nostrils is the best place. Your Mommy will get up pronto. ~Scylla

    PS: We are now shut in the garage at night thanks to SCYLLA. ~Artemisia & Socks

  12. Derry likes to stick his paw into our mom's eye or nose and if that doesn't work, he adds a claw.

  13. We think you must be giving Samson private tutoring, Fin, because he is using some of those moves already!

  14. We play Thundering Herd of Elephants ON THE BED! It werks every time!

  15. I do the same as Scylla, but I don't do it gently. I also stand on mum's hair close to the roots and she wakes up thinking she is being scalped.

  16. Those are all good techniques Fin. My Molly is very fond of the hip/pillow loop.

    When I was a teenager I had a very clever abyssinian who would sit on my dresser and meow to get my attention when I didn't get out of bed on her schedule. Then when I cracked open an eye and looked at her she would knock items onto the floor with her paw...got me out of bed every time!!!

  17. We find that 5 of us running across the bed usually does it!

  18. I find chewing mum's hair works for me - Lucy xx

  19. Angel and Lilly have that one down pretty good now since they are almost 14 years old. They stand on my side or my head to wake me up. Works every time. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  20. The fosters have a better idea - sit at the foot of the bed and bite the ankles of the foster mom lady. This is Pistachio's favorite past time!

  21. This one had me laffing out loud. I think my cats have been reading your blog!

    Petie likes to give me "love bites" on any exposed flesh.

    I'm assuming your first suggestion above involves slightly protruding claws for full impact!


  22. WE love to use all those moves. Gertrude does the meowing especially well. Little tiny meows constantly really works. But we gotta try those other moves too.
    Have a great day Fin and Mom.

  23. Those are excellent tips on how to wake a sleeping mum Fin. We would love to try them out, but we're shut away in the kitchen at night.

  24. hahahaa - yes we just SO go with your advice... we hadn't thought of the dresser meowing one but will deploy that shortly! To date we have had great success with jumping suddenly on the head/chest/tummy - shock tactic rarely fails. Love Darcy and Bingley xx

  25. Good advice, Finn! Harley and I love to chase each other across the bed at about 5:00 am. Sometimes we run right across her face!

    ps: Congratulations on 500 posts!

  26. Oh yeah, we agree ... we utilize the second and third methods quite often! - Sammy and Moosey

  27. Oh yes..those are the tried and true methods. I use the just-out-of- reach at all times I might add.

    I like to put my hand on mommy's lips and that will wake her up every time. Well, if it doesn't, I keep putting it there till she does wake. That backfires on me many times though as she'll kiss it and sleep agaon. BUT the run with a hop skip and jump over her yummy and hip and head as the final fillip..that'll git her every time.

  28. Fin, those are some great suggestions, well worth the try. Mom is going to accuse you of putting me up to bad stuff, though.

  29. Fin
    We love the way you think!


  30. Jump on the bed and purr as loud as you can whilst laying on Mommy's chest. I wrap my claws around Mom's collarbone. Wakes her right up!

    -Pablo Picasso

  31. *scribbling swiftly...* "repetition is the real powerhouse of this move...."

    Got it!

    Have you ever tried laying tush end toward the top of the bed so that your tail just lightly brushes your mommy's chin/cheek/nose? I find this gives her that "wha wha wha's going on?" wake up. Makes me laugh

  32. Snowee says: I already mastered all those techniques years ago as I also have a particularly stubborn Mom. I'm trying to get Spit to pick up on these moves, but she still uses the "mew sweetly in the ear" manuver. Which seems to work for her! Go figure!

  33. Disco says the 'Bladder Press' works well, as does the grating Me-Roww in the ear. Last resort, step in closed eye socket...
