Thanks to everyone for your well wishes for Mom. I think you were right when you suggested she be packed up in her own carrier or PTU (Prisoner Transport Unit) and carted off to the human vet. She avoids the human vet like I avoid - well, the actual vet. I can only imagine how she would thrash about if she was shoved into her carrier. I wonder how I would lure her into getting in the carrier... Maybe chocolate... How would you lure your human into a carrier?
To amuse you during this time of blog neglect here is a re-post that could have been any night this week.
So the other night I was napping on my cat bed while Mom slept, when suddenly I heard her talking to me.
"Hey sweetie, wanna snuggle? Come here, I'll give you scritches..."
I was just considering the offer, when I noticed she wasn't really speaking to me at all. She's been bringing a square tissue box to bed with her, cause of her cold, and I guess to a sleepy, nearly-blind human, a tissue box with the tissue tamped down in the middle resembles a cat body with ears.
"Finny come on!" She begged.
Kleenex Cat remained unimpressed, and refused to submit. I could hardly keep from snickering out loud as Mom went back to sleep, rebuffed. So last night, when it happened again, I couldn't help myself.
"Hey Finny, are you here for pets? Come here."
"Mew?" I said in my sweetest, you wanna touch my soft fur voice as I hid behind the pillow. "Mew (come and get it then)" I offered.
She reached out,
way out, to try to pet Kleenex Cat. I was laughing so hard by now that she spotted me behind the pillow. You should have seen the double-take she did. We had a good laugh over the whole thing and I got my chin scritches after all.