Quill began pawing at the carrier gate the moment the car moved. I thought he was going to try to push his entire body through a one inch square of mesh. He even left a red mark on his little nose trying. He was also happy to show off his full vocal repertoire. Quill has a high-pitched meow which varies between a squeak and a yowl.
We arrived at the house and let him out. We were sure he would casually sniff about for a few minutes - instead he bolted for under the fridge. After a quick move, he instead darted for under/inside the recliner instead.
"Holy Cod he's fast!" Hubby exclaimed as Quill bolted for under the sofa.
Quill was so scared with two giants yelling "No!" and chasing after him. Desperate, we stuck him, his carrier, food, water and a litter box in the bathroom and excused ourselves.
"Wow!" I said. I think the realization of a new kitten was hitting me. "We got ourselves a cave kitten!"
We covered every hidey hole we could think of. We found Fin's baby swing toy for luring him out of any other hidey holes he might find. We realized he might be too tiny to roam freely. (Quill's actual commentary - Ww6*/8.000000000000000000000000000002. - I guess he disagreed and decided I should get to the best part).
I had been so worried about telling the first rescue group about Fin's blog. I was afraid they might read it and come to collect the kitten should it report cruel treatment like being denied roast chicken. When we went to go meet Quill I decided not to say anything to Kacie either. You just never know what people will think when you report you speak as a cat on a blog.
I emailed Kacie to ask a question a few days after Quill's arrival. I knew she loved him, and had wanted to keep him, even after their short time to bond. I couldn't decide if I should mention the blog or not. Would it make her sad to see the one that got away or make her happy I wondered. I decided to tell her and let her decide for herself.
She wrote back the best email ever. She told me about losing her own sweet cat Charlie, and about how this little kitten eased her own pain. She couldn't keep him, but she wanted to make sure he found a great home. She had googled my email address as soon as I sent the email asking about Quill. (She's so smart!)
She found my blog and book right away. When we went to meet Quill, she already knew about Fin. She saw all the love that all of you had given us over losing her. She knew how much I was grieving Fin's loss. She already knew how much this little kitten would be loved in the world. She said she felt like she had won the lottery because she would get to watch him grow up, be loved, and be famous.
She wasn't losing him - she was sharing him. Yep, we think she's pretty awesome too!
Hard at work! |
Chew this cord? Me? Never! |