The Countdown
It may seem an odd stretch for a woman, who’s never played golf, to write a story about her memories of growing up across the street from a golf course, but I do have some fond memories of the place just the same. I grew up in a house in Studio City CA, across the street from the neighborhood golf course which made my house the easiest one in the neighborhood to find. My directions, to everyone who came to my house, went something like this:
“I live two blocks down from Ventura, on Whitsett, on the corner of – never mind, do you know where the golf course is? Okay, I live kitty corner from the club house.”
At which point they would ask what kitty corner meant, and I would say it means diagonally across (why I didn’t just say “diagonally across” to begin with is a mystery to me even now) and then they knew right where to find me.
My next memory revolves around a high school crush. I was outside watering the plants in my front yard one afternoon when I noticed my crush across the street puttering around (puttering around… that’s a golf term right?) on the putting green. As it turned out he was on the golf team (I know - I was just as shocked, who knew there were high school golf teams?) and they practiced right across the street. The next day in school I gathered my courage and spoke to him.
“Hi, I saw you playing over at the putting green yesterday. I live kitty corner from the golf course.”
“Oh yeah? The golf team practices over there - what’s Caddy Corner?”
“It's Kitty corner, it means diagonally across - We have a golf team?” (Strike one for me)
“Yes we do! It must be nice to live right across the street, do you play?”
“Um, er, ah… No, I’ve never been over there actually.” (Strike two)
“You live caddy corner and never walked across the street to play?”
“No, and it’s KITTY Corner.” (Strike three and the budding romance was over)
I did finally make it over there, to the putting green at least, and it’s my favorite memory. It was the year I turned eighteen, and the night before my birthday I threw a big party at my house. My house felt overheated and too loud for me (even then I was a Granny), so just before midnight I snuck outside to catch a breath of cold air. Midnight is special in this story because my party was held on December 31st.
In all the homes around me I could hear people celebrating and getting ready to usher in my birthday, and sure, the New Year too. Outside it was completely still and I felt like I was alone in the world. A full moon lit up the street with an ethereal glow, and although it was cold it felt completely invigorating after the heat of the party. In that moment it felt like the world was holding its breath, waiting with me for the next chapter to begin.
I was surprised to see that there wasn’t a single car in sight as I walked to the edge of the street in front of my house. I walked into the middle of the street, and I stood there for a few moments, drinking in the moment that I knew wouldn't last. I could hear the ever-building excitement in the homes all around me.
I looked over at the golf course and I decided I’d waited long enough to visit. I crossed the street diagonally and I hopped over the short fence. I took off my party shoes and I felt the manicured grass under my feet. I never knew grass could feel like that, like velvet but cool and damp. I ran into the center of the green, and I danced, knowing that no one was watching me. I could hear the New Year rapidly approaching as the party goers counted down the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. I knew that they would all begin to spill out into the world in a moment, unable to keep the quiet any longer, and they did.
My friends came outside and followed me across the street to dance on the grass too. I shared my first kiss as an adult on that grass, but I remember most those last moments when I left my childhood behind and embraced my future - dancing on the grass when I felt like the world was all mine, that everything was before me and nothing was beyond my reach.
Meg S Hart
Happy New Year - Hope you find a nice patch of grass.
Tattle Tail Tuesday
New Year's Baby
We wanted to think of something fun for our birthday post, maybe even something our friends could do too (if you want, no pressure from me of course). We were really having a hard time thinking of anything, what says New Years Day we wondered? A tie-in with roses for the Rose Parade? Whenever Mommy tells people her birthday is New Year's Day they always exclaim "You're a New Year's Baby?" I have no idea why they say that, and when questioned, Mommy never seems to be able to fully explain it either, but it did get us thinking about the phrase and a tie in to a fun activity.
In honor of the New Year, we thought that anyone who wants too, can show off something baby-like about themselves. I'm not big on rules, so the interpretation can be what you like, but here are some examples we thought of:
- An early photo of yourself (it doesn't have to be when you were a baby, if you came to your family as an adult, you were still a new baby to them)
- Examples of baby-talk your humans use on you or you use on them (we can all pull out an adorable kitten-like meow when we need it)
- Examples of how you're treated like a baby
- A tribute to your honey-baby
- Your idea here
Thanks to Zoolatry for helping us with this great photo, and this one too!
P.S. These cute stunt kittens were found by the clever Zoolatry Human, because Mommy couldn't figure out the scanner in time... paws crossed she figures it out before the 1st. How embarrasing it would be for Mommy if she can't figure out a post for us!
P.P.S. It's my friend Kaze's Birthday too!
After X-Mas
Oh and the very best present - I got a copy of my friend PsychoKitty/Max's book "The Rules - A Guide for People Owned by Cats." Here I am waiting for my family to curl up on the couch and read it with me (there are even cool drawings so humans will be able to understand the rules).
Psst - Okay kitties I'm still trying to be well behaved because next week is my birthday (sorta), and I'm hoping for more loot, but I have to say that I'm a little suspicious about the box present. I'm pretty sure it's the box Mommy's present came in - I'm just saying.
So it's sorta my birthday on New Year's Day. I say "sorta" because my exact birthday is unknown. My Gotcha Day was mid-February and when Mommy counted back she figured it was about January 1st, so we went with that. On Monday I'm going announce a little something special I have planned for my birthday celebration. A little game my friends can play along with too, if they want, until then I will be encouraging my parents to hit the after X-Mas Sale at Petsmart.
A Christmas Story
I remember laying snuggled in bed at my Grandmother’s house, clutched in my hand was my beloved Lamby-Pie, a stuffed animal of a black faced lamb. Lamby-Pie was made of soft white lamb's wool, at least Lamby had been white, when I was originally given him but he had turned into a shade of well-loved beige over the years. I unconsciously rubbed his paw gently against my cheek as I waited, waited for the sound I knew would soon come.
It was Christmas morning and I was still very sleepy from staying up too late to open my “Non-Santa” presents on Christmas Eve. I loved Christmas Eve with all our family, and the presents of course, but I always loved Christmas morning more, because it's when my favorite present would come.
I was beginning to drift off to sleep again when it came, the sound of coffee beans being ground in the kitchen. It was the sound of my Grandmother starting her day. I couldn't wait any longer. I pulled back the covers and slipped into my new slippers and robe, because it was cold upstairs, not like my house far away in sunny California. I walked down the stairs quietly, careful not to step on any of the creaky spots, because I didn’t want to wake anyone else.
The windows were frosted over at the edges and outside there was a new snowfall, something I rarely saw. It was so beautiful that I had to stop and look. The snow twinkled in the early morning light like diamonds on a white blanket, but I didn’t want to spend too much time looking - not with my present waiting for me.
“Hello sweetheart, Merry Christmas! Come and give me a big hug.” My Grandmother called to me as I entered the kitchen.
I was held by my grandmother’s warm embrace. I could smell coffee and the special almond soap my grandmother used. I breathed it in… a smell I loved with all my heart, and still do. I held tightly to my beloved grandmother and before I fully let her go I squeezed her hard one more time.
“That was a big hug for a small girl!” My grandmother said as she pulled a small beautiful box, wrapped in shiny silver paper and white velvet ribbon, from her robe pocket. “Look, I found this under the tree. I think Santa left it for you. Why don’t you take it to the table while I make our special breakfast?”
I sat down and watched as my grandmother prepared our special breakfast of oatmeal with brown sugar. I forgot the beautiful package, still clutched in my hands, as we spoke, because it was this moment I'd waited all year for - it was the pink satin of my grandmother’s robe, not the red velvet of Santa’s which kept me up all morning. It was this special time, before the rest of the world woke up, when I had my grandmother all to myself that I looked forward to each year. It is these moments I will remember, for the rest of my life, as my favorite Christmas presents.
Meg S. Hart (Mommy's Possible Pen Name).
Couch Conversations - Christmas
Fin: Well, thanks for asking, but no I'm just getting ready for Christmas.
Mommy (perplexed): What does Christmas have to do with your litter being on the floor?
Fin: I'm making a Sandy Claws Lane. I need to make sure I'm back on the Nice List, although my friends assure me Sandy Claws is very understanding and liberal with his list. I wanna be sure though so I'm making things nice and sandy, I think the raindeers use the Sandy Claws Lane to get traction.
Mommy (confused): Sandy Claws Lane? What are you talking about?
Fin: Hello! You know. Come on, that song you sing - "Here comes Sandy Claws, Here Comes Sandy Claws, right down Sandy Claws Lane?" Now if you'll excuse me I need to nap before I hang by the fire and stalk with great care.
Naughty List

Meme for Staff
It's no secret that sometimes our Staff can get a little overwhelmed with their own "busy" lives and get behind in their cat duties (like giving me snacks whenever I'm hungry). You'd think with the economy the way it is they would be trying to ensure they were on top of things, instead I hear something about Mommy's "Other Job" being important too ::Yawn::
Anyway I was flipping through the cattle prod catalogue, looking for the model my dearest Whicky recommends and I had a sudden change of heart. It is the holidays and I can be a bit demanding (plus Sandy Claws is watching). So I thought I might start a Meme of my own, something to show Mommy that I do love and appreciate her.
You know I hate to follow a rule, so here are the meme "guidelines." Say five (or more) nice things about your staff/family/beans/parents and then tag any cat you like in your blog or no cats, it's your choice, and the Staff can post it whenever they need a little break, no rush.
- I love the way Mommy will allow me in her lap while she is trying to type over or around me for a good long time before I get kicked off.
- I love the way Mommy always gives me a few pets no matter what time I come to bed.
- I love the way she's like a personal furnace in the winter time, she's hot!
- She makes Daddy bring us things when I am in her lap so I am not disturbed (yep I love Daddy too).
- She can translate in both cat and human, her imitations of me are dead on! I would give her Fancy Feast if I could when she requests it.
Also, cause I love her (and I don't want to talk about a blog of her own for awhile), I'm gonna throw her a bone and let her post two stories of her own, one on Christmas and one on New Year's Eve.
Floofy Friday
Look at all the snow this morning!
Yep that's snow on cactus.
Ya know what would have looked nice here? A Floofy Cat?
Well last night Daddy and I went out to investigate things. You'll have to just imagine this scene - The Floofy cat from the land of Norway (and of course Fin Land) relished the snow! I even had a few bites of the white stuff . Yep it would have been a darling shot for the pawparrazzi to capture (a cover shot even), but no - the one time you want the pawparrazzi snapping they're napping.
Well this is the best my staff could manage - still a bit of snow tonight and cold puddles to drink from. I like the snow! Have a great weekend my friends!
Holy Crap!
Here is a better photo of my yard... and one of Daddy shoveling snow.
Blame it on the Nip
I wanted to give a shout out to my loves in honor of Vampy Victor's Love Meme. See I love my mice, but I don't like my parents to see me play with them. I play it very cool when they're looking (not even a little whap), but when I am alone - nothing separates this granny cat from her mice. I love em all but my true love is my Mousey.
I would not allow Mommy to reveal Mousey's photo, Mousey is very timid and shy and I can not allow the pawparrazzi to stalk Mousey. Mousey has been my true love for a very long time but my parents have rarely seen us together. They do hear us though, when I move Mousey (and Mousey goes everywhere that I go) I like to sing a little love song. My parents call it my strangled cry, but Mousey is plump and it's hard to enunciate, Mousey enjoys the song too and jingles right along - Don't judge.
On human note of love - Mommy was always rather shy and didn't like going out to look for love. Her grandmother always asked how she would ever find a man, if she didn't go out looking for one. Mommy told her that her Prince would be delivered to her door. Wanna guess how she met Daddy? He was delivered right to her door as a party guest of her roommate. They've been together ever since - twenty-one years later.
An Award
My great friend Huffle Mawson gave me this very nice award! This award is passed to bloggers for showing great attitude and/or gratitude (Huffle has both and I like to think I have both too). Here are the rules (let's see which I will follow, well there is the attitude):
1. Put the logo on your blog. Yes
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you. Absolutely!
3. Nominate 10 other blogs. Wow 10! Well I'm not sure you already has this and who doesn't... all my friends show great attitude and gratitude (it's why I love them all so much - see here is the gratitude) what if I tag any of my friends who don't have it yet? Now I really mean this, don't be shy... I mean you!
4. Add links to those blogs on yours. Okay you are all over there to the side, so it's sorta followed. 5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs. How about if you pick up the award I have given you, you leave a comment here saying you picked it up?
I think I may have broken a record for non-rule following! Guess what I'm making my own Meme this Monday, don't worry there wont be too many rules to follow.
Monday Madness
Did you figure it out yet? Okay, okay - I'll tell you.
First it's technically not Monday yet here, second I'm a ladycat not a mancat of course, and third these photos aren't even of me. Do you know who it is? It's my mancat doppelganger Shaggy over at Little Cat Feet! I'm floofier, thanks to my Norwegian roots, but we sure do look alike. I look good as a mancat.
Hey I wonder if I can get a little pig for myself? Gweek! (that's a little Guinea Pig shout out for Toby)
Floofy Friday
This has been a sad week for many of my friends as some of the wonderful cats (Skeeter and Cloud Chaser) in the blogosphere headed over to the Rainbow Bridge. One of them was my sweet friend Kelly, your mancat face will be missed. Purrs to all my friends, and please take good care of yourselves.
We were contacted by this organization called http://www.givebackamerica.org/ who has the great service where you go over to their site, then choose the charity you want to support and when you shop and buy stuff online (like Amazon which we LOVE) and the charity gets some of the amount you spend. They have all kinds of charities to choose from including animal shelters. Isn't that a great idea!
Sweet Gerry over at Everycat tagged me for the Sixth Folder Meme! Here were the rules:
Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
Go to the 6th Folder (people organize these things?) and then pick the 6th Picture.
Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.
Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin' them 'bout it. So I tag Luxor , Ernie's Voice, Huffle Mawson, Zoolarty and Daisy Now I know you think I am following all the rules here and I can't have that... so I told my recipients they didn't have to Meme if they didn't want too.
Now beware, this floof shoot has been known to knock grown Tuxie mancats off their perches....
I'll be back on Monday, have a great weekend everyone and everycat.
What the Blog?
Good Lurking
Are you - a lurker? Don't be embarrassed, it's nothing to be ashamed of, I lurk too. What? You're not sure if you're a lurker, okay let me explain.
Lurker is a term I've recently learned in a blog context. A blog lurker is someone who reads a blog (usually on a regular basis) but rarely leaves a comment. Maybe it's because you choose to visit more blogs by commenting less, maybe you feel your species-related comments don't fit with the blog demographics, maybe you feel your comments have already been voiced by another reader and lurk off (I agree this is a bummer), or maybe you really need spellcheck like Mommy. I lurk for all of those reasons.
I 've noticed that human blogs tend to have a lot more lurkers than cat blogs. I think it's because cats can join in with little fear of really ruffling anyone's fur. I like Fancy Feast, you like dry kibble - it's all good, no hard feelings. On the other hand, I sometimes feel my cat related point of view might not fit with the blog I'm lurking at.
I bring up lurking because I just wanted to take a minute to thank all my lurkers for coming by. I may not know you by name but I know you're there... If you want to be known, go ahead and leave a comment (I don't care what species you are, all are welcome here). I will continue to try to entertain you - even if I don't know who you are.
I also wanted to tell my friends that I might be lurking more. Mommy is getting very behind in her cat duties. We start strong each day at the top of our list with visits and comments, but by the time we get to poor delightful Zoolarty the comment quality is often lacking (just a Ha Ha sometimes, sorry Zoolarty). So we will be trying to find the right lurking/commenting balance. Please know that we will be there, lurking, whether we comment or not. If you want us to lurk over to your place, please let us know.
101 Posts
Artsy Catsy, Ballicus Cats, Ernie's Voice, Friends Furever, Island Cats, Jenny Lorton, JB, Jimmy Joe, Kattonic Cats, KellyKat, Kimo & Sabi, Little Cat Feet, Meezer Tails, Mickey's posse, Pet Museum, Poppy Q, Samantha & Mr Tigger, Shrek (brand new), Skittles, Spooky, The Cat Realm (I still haven't done my dare... sorry), The Real Cats/Dana, Tybalt, and Vampy Victor.
Plus I have some friends in my follow list... Lucky Lady, Cory, DaisyMae, Munchie, Seriously Amused (Do you want me to add you to my list?)
Oh and some commentors I need to add... Karen Jo, Cafe Cats, Alasandra, KC and Misty Blue Eyes... Phoebe, Rupert, Whimpurrs Whim... (I know I should add hyperlinks, but Mommy is weary).
Who else am I missing? Am I missing you? Gosh I'm so sorry if I'm missing you. Tomorrow's post is going to be all about you, so come on back tomorrow okay?
P.S. - Mommy realized that one of my 100 posts actually belonged to, the then blogless, Whicky Wuudler so really this is kinda my 100th post. Mommy is finally adding my dear chum and guest blogger Whicky to my sidebar. There's something about a rough and tumble tuxie....
100 Posts
We started the blog without any idea other cats blogged (imagine that again!). Mommy met Lisa at Lifeprints at a writer's conference and she encouraged Mommy, she told her that even she could do it. She finally figured it out and we were up and running - but with no one to share it with.
Psychokitty Max was the first blog we found. He was so nice and he added us to his blog roll, what a great cat he is (and a author too!). We started down his list and found Angus pretty fast, Daisy must have been right after, the Furry Bambinos and then Gandolf and Grayson.
When the Crews Views pointed out that we needed to head over to the Blogosphere, we checked it out. Eventually we got brave enough to post something on the Cat Blogosphere and then cats we didn't even know started dropping by, and we started dropping by too. We picked up some great friends Goldie and Shade (they gave me my first award), Mr Hendrix, Luxie, The Cats P and Victor and Nina. I picked up another regular with my dearest Whicky Wuudler (who was bloggless back then) and well, I can't name everyone can I? Okay just a few more Huffle Mawson, Grrreta, Parker, Sweet Praline and maybe just one more shout out to MoMo, Siena and Miss Kitty my SIFs.
The rest of my friends came later but believe me you mean no less to me! Whew, I'm spent. I think I need to take a couple of days off, till then have a great weekend! I'll be working on Post 101 and copying hyperlinks of everyone else. Love you all. We could have done it without you but what fun would that have been? None!
Floofy Friday
What the Blog?
Sure it was a smidge early, but I was concerned she might have listened to that quack/doctor, so I felt my cries needed to drowned out any of those thoughts in her head.
It's a big week for me too, I was named Princess of the Week for my Catster Group (came with this cool chair!), I'll be having my first post at Floof and Fur on Friday, and Mommy has been in such a posting frenzy we will be hitting 100 posts on Saturday.
- A is for Angry as I was being Abducted
- B is for Betrayed by my own father in this duplicity
- C is for Cat Carrier which I was shoved into this afternoon
- D is for Doctor of Veterinary who I was taken to see against my will. He claims I am just being Difficult when I refuse to eat anything but the Feast.
- E is for Everything is fine according to him
- F is for F-Words - one that I called the VET and one that he called me (Mother Fluffer and Fat)
- G is for Good luck trying to get me to eat diet dry kibble again
- H is for Heck No
- I is for I will not be denied!
Okay I am calmed down now. I have forgiven my father and I apologize for my potty mouth. MoMo was right G is for Glad I am healthy.
Monday Meme
- I rarely allow anyone to see me playing with my toys. I like to be taken seriously by my parents.
- When I was a kitten I loved to sleep right on Mommy's neck, for some reason I'm not allowed to do that anymore.
- Until recently I didn't want Daddy to know I snuggled on Mommy's lap so I'd never do it in his presence.
- My floof is very soft, like mink I'm told.
- I have never had a flea, we don't have them here in the desert.
- I don't like the wind, it sounds scary and it rustles my fur (we do have plenty of wind here in the desert).
- I like Nip, but only a little bit or I lose control (I even let the pawparrazzi take my photo).
- I like sleeping on hard cold things, kitchen and bathroom tiles, granite hearth, and my sink.
It seems like a bad week in the cat blogosphere for many of my friends, please know I am sending my best purrs and I hope everyone gets better very soon.
We left Fin alone overnight on Thanksgiving while we went to my in-laws home in California. Friday morning I awoke at 5:30am to the sound of a cat meowing loudly outside my guest room window (auditory hallucination or an actual cat - I couldn't tell).
I was settling back to sleep at 6am I was awoken by an alarm of an "ocean" sound which sounded oddly enough like a combo of a purr and a grumbling tummy. I was unable to turn it off (even with the lights on), all I could find was snooze. So it went off every ten minutes till I finally figured it out at 6:30am. Coincidence? I mean if she can go to Finland on a magic carpet is it so hard to imagine it was all her doing?
(Twilight Zone music plays, Fin purrs happily and I think she winked)
PS: Fin's belly up napping is featured on kittybellys.com
Floofy Friday
Thanksgiving Thursday
Yeah Turkey the star of the Thanksgiving table. Sure there are other good things too, gravy (everything is better with gravy!!), stuffing (well, I guess you can pick the sausage out), mashed potatoes (hey, they make a nice bowl for gravy), yams (yawn), cranberry (waste of plate space I say), and don't even get me started on the green bean casserole. All Hail Turkey!
In the spirit of giving, let me give a shout out to Tufurkey, on behalf of my vegetarian friends and relatives. Oh I can barely say that without snickering, turkey from tofu, crazy lovable vegans.
What? I have just informed my parents will be going to Thanksgiving Dinner elsewhere. Well, as long as they bring home a kitty bag full of Turkey I'll still be thankful.
Have a very happy day everyone. May you be filled with the spirit of thanks - and Turkey.
6 AM - The Sequel
Fade In. Interior Bedroom. Two humans are STILL lying in bed. FIN, our heroine, is watching vigilantly from a curled position on a nearby chair. She is exhausted but she remains awake.
FIN wearily stretches her floofy legs and jumps in slow motion to the bed (Mission Impossible theme plays). She lands safely as we return to regular motion. FIN carefully navigates climbing over MOMMY's hip to reach her face.
FIN (politely): Mommy it's time to get up.
MOMMY grunts as sweet FIN gently pets her face with her delicate paw.
MOMMY (crabbily): I already fed you, now beat it.
Clever FIN, seeing MOMMY is hopeless, dashes over MOMMY's head to the nightstand. She begins to push MOMMY's glasses towards the floor. FIN narrowly avoids MOMMY's backward flailing hands as MOMMY grabs her glasses and tucks them under her pillow.
Our plucky heroine FIN looks determined. She begins to scoot the full glass of water towards the edge of the nightstand and the bed beyond.
MOMMY (angry now): If you spill that water on me again Fin, I will go Carnival Freak Crazy!
FIN, with great bravery and determination, scoots the glass just a bit more. MOMMY flips herself over with surprising speed. Brave FIN stands her ground and points to the hated noisy box. The wild eyed (and haired) MOMMY looks at the clock which now reads 6:15am. MOMMY's face is transformed into softness as she realizes the situation. MOMMY scoops FIN into her arms for a forced cuddle.
MOMMY (sweetly): I don't have to go to work today, I'm on vacation. Let's snuggle instead.
FIN is placed between her two parents and is showered with pets and scratches.
Fade Out
Don't you just love a happy ending. I need a Kleenex.
5 AM - Screenplay
Screenplay by Fin
FIN (politely): Merrrr! Merrrr! Excuse me but Mommy I'm hungry!
MOMMY (crabbily): Shut it little cat, it's flippin five am and I'm not getting up yet.
We see sweet, hungry FIN pacing back and forth in the hallway. A short montage runs, showing many cute poses to music (perhaps to the song "Anticipation"). A timer runs in the corner of the screen to show an inordinate amount of time has passed (perhaps as much as three minutes).
FIN (impatient now): Maa-ow! Mommy, I'm starving now! I've not eaten since last night!
MOMMY (frustrated) DADDY stirs and then quiets: Okay! I can't take it anymore, I'll feed you.
MOMMY rises from the bed as Fin dances in the hallway. MOMMY lumbers down the hall as the lively heroine FIN races ahead. MOMMY looks at each can of Feast, distaste on her face. Our heroine mewls loudly and pitifully as she dances around MOMMY's feet. She is growing weak from starvation. MOMMY cracks up a can in slow motion (cue sound effect). MOMMY clutches her hand to her face as she holds back a hairball of her own. Mommy places the TINY can of food onto a plate and plops it on the floor without ceremony.
MoMo Monday
World Domination
So no plans for domination here, but when you have an idea you have to share it right? The key to Cat World Domination is - Kittens. No, not to have them run things, imagine thundering kitten herds running things - um no. Kittens are the distraction, while the cats move in.
I was thinking about all the kittens I have seen recently and how much the humans are powerless in their darling presence, other than to squeal and clamor to hold them. My great friend Whicky's home is being overrun, Siena is having to share her - well everything, and then while I was away I learned that Mommy was cuddling kittens at a shelter! I know! Luckily she came home empty-handed, thanks Daddy.
So kittens are the key, place them out in front of the World Domination Movement while cats run things. Probably few humans will even notice. Well all this deep thinking has me tuckered out, time for a nap.
Thankful Thursday
I've received this pretty little award from sweet Siena, and I'm thankful I don't have a little hissy, err sissy. I'm thankful she is a rule breaker and I think I don't have to name anyone... I always feel such pressure. I love all my friend's blogs so it's so hard to choose. If any of my followers would like to pick up the torch I love your blogs too.
Then I asked my friend Huffle Mawson to give me a letter. Huffle gave me the letter D (thankful I didn't get X) and I have to think of ten things I love that start with the letter D.
- Daddy!
- Dan - Okay I know him as my grandfather but it is his real name
- Daisy the Curly Cat
- December - Good snuggling weather
- Doors - Fun to paw open or to close
- Drumming - Daddy plays on Washer
- Dryer - I like to nap on it
- Dog - Not all dogs but I loved My Dog Koda
- Dark - I can see in it
- Daylight - the perfect reason for breakfast
If any cat wants a letter leave me a comment.
My loud pawing and investigating finally alerted Mommy that I had found the package. Turns out my prize for winning the Frisky Fall contest had arrived well I was away. I demanded she open it right away.
A Kitten Calendar. A Cat Sack (with a string handle!), I might be a bit too big to get in it but you know I'm gonna try. What's in that other little sack? I better take a closer look.
Catnip Toys! Snergle... rubbing my face with package, big deep sniffs... snergle. Crack it open Mommy!! I love that little red fella, Little Nipper I call him. Oh what's that... more stuff! Jingle bell rolly balls... I think I need to rest. I'll be rolling those around at 2am, when I'm nipped up and well rested.
Thanks Floof and Fur, and a personal thanks to my floof, I couldn't have done it without you.
This Land Is My Land
I don’t think it will be permanent there, more of a special edition, but I’ll be flying it over the house with pride when I get home.
MoMo wanted to check out Lapland too. I have to admit that I thought it was going to be something totally different than it turned out to be. It was great, but I was distracted (looking for the laps, which I imagined would be everywhere).
It’s been a grand adventure with my floofy sisters but this cat is anxious to get home to the land of Mommy lap. I’ll be offline tomorrow and then Tuesday I’ll be back to business as usual at my happiest place on earth, home.
Northern Lights
Hey it kinda looks like a floofy tail. You don't see that in the Nevada desert. We managed to avoid getting eaten by any Polar Bears, so it was a fun excursion. We have a big day planned tomorrow in a new place, so I won't be able to post about it till Sunday. Have you guessed where we are going next? I personally can't wait.
Norway At Last
We went to Lillehammer which is where the Olympics were held. Of course Siena wanted to zoom zoom down the bobsled run on the carpet. I was hesitant, but after some encouragement by MoMo and Miss Kitty, I said yes. What the heck you only live nine times right.
We dropped by Bergen which is right by the water for some much needed fresh fish. We declined the locals offer to go ice fishing. We have snowshoe paws but still, brr.
Being forest cats naturally we had to go see the forests. So we headed past the Fjords and into the forest land. The big cities were few and far between so we stopped in a small village. Although our notoriety had not spread here (no Internet access) we were welcomed by the village cats with headbutts and licks. Of course all the young mancats were after the young one, although we three older kitties were called cougars (odd) and got some of the attention too.
We enjoyed a welcome party in the local pub and we showed everyone how to make a good and dirty Niptini (well that sounds naughty but it really wasn't). Since it was dark our new friends suggested we stay in the village till morning, so we snuggled under the carpet by a little cabin and waited for the sunrise. When we woke up we saw it had snowed. Boy it sure was lovely.
Then it was off the forest at last. Here we are in the forest (one of our new friends was nice enough to take our picture).
After of plenty of climbing (and some leaping from tree to tree, and some nerve wracking running straight down the tree by Siena) we were all exhausted. So we all snuggled under the carpet for a long sleep. Tommorrow we are headed off to my place...
PS – I might go rogue and borrow the carpet for a quick adventure… I saw this in a brochure… "The land above the Arctic Circle is known for midnight sun, northern lights, the Sami people in Finnmark, and polar bears at the Svalbard Islands." It sounds a bit dangerous, what with the polar bears, but Finnmark? Come on! Hey do you think I can pick up some meatballs in Sweden?
Siena Joins the Carpet
I requested that we head right off to Siena's place for a few reasons, I wanted a guided tour, to see little Siena of course, and truth be told, after that long trip, I needed a litter box ASAP.
Sweet Siena, or LSIF (little sister in floof), is just as cute and full of life as I thought she would be. She was leaping and purring and it was hard to pin her down (you know the young ones are).
Thank goodness Mommy didn't come, she would have been incapable of putting her down. Plus she would be begging for a baby sister for me (I have one Mommy, she just lives in Germany, don't get any ideas. No I can't keep her). We all had some milk as we planned what to do next.
Siena took us on a tour of her place, including her fountain with some fishes. Luckily I realized they were probably pets and told everyone it would be rude to dip our paws to try to catch them. They wouldn't have stood a chance with four excellent huntresses.
MoMo and Miss Kitty were climbing in the trees with Siena, so her Mom showed me the famous garden. I offered to snoopervise dinner prep with Siena's Mom. It was a little sad when we had to leave, Siena's mom was very nice to chat with.We boarded the carpet and of course LSIF wanted to drive. All that zooming was a little too much for this granny cat so I put my paw down and insisted on the auto pilot. We all snuggled in for a nap. Good thing we have all that floof to keep us toasty. We'll be in Norway soon...
Miss Kitty Joins the Carpet
The trip took hardly any time at all, and before we knew it we were at Miss Kitty's house. She welcomed us with open paws and we all got caught up, much purring all around. She is a lovely cat (even prettier than her pictures). I knew Mommy would have loved to snuggle her too.
MoMo wanted to stretch her legs before we headed off to pick up Siena in Germany, that's when Miss Kitty mentioned that the "Happiest Place on Earth" was right down the road. I was skeptical at first, but let me say it totally lived up to the hype - A six foot, slow moving mouse, who doesn't mind being nibbled. Happy? - I'll say! To protect his street cred he said that he couldn't be filmed with us, and that he preferred to have his name left out of any press releases. We agreed, but let's just say his name starts with an "M" and ends with "Icky."
Here we are heading out of the park, we decided to leave as soon as we saw the six foot dog (starts with a "G" ends with "Oofy").
Miss Kitty wanted her turn at driving the carpet so I looked on as we headed off to Germany to pick up Siena. MoMo took a well deserved rest. More tomorrow from Germany.
P.S. Don't forget to visit the other cat's blogs as they share their experiences.
Waiting for MoMo
My coat has been extra floofed for warmth. I'm sitting on the front stoop waiting for MoMo, my Sister in Floof, to come pick me up. She said to keep my eyes towards the sky. She is coming all the way from Australia and I'm guessing she might be hungry, so I've packed Temptations for all the kitties to enjoy.
I have to admit I was a little nervous too, I've never been away from home for this long, but Mommy assured me that I could teleport home for a quick snuggle if I needed too. She always makes feel better. She also reminded me that little Siena would need to have the three older and wiser cats watching over her to make sure she doesn't get into any mischief.. well not too much anyway. What's a vacation without a little mischief?
"What's that? Is it a bird, is it a plane? No it's MoMo! Look Mommy and Daddy!"
It's MoMo in the fur! Oh she is even prettier in real life. ::Purrs and headbutts go on for several minutes::
"MoMo are you hungry? I have Feast and Temptations ready for you. Yes?" ::Nom, Nom, Nom::
Mommy scoops MoMo up and give her lots of forced snuggling."Mommy you are embarrassing yourself, put MoMo down. No, you can't come too. The magic carpet is for kitties only!"
Now I have some forced snuggling too (okay I don't really mind this time) then Daddy gets in on the action (of course I love the forced snuggling with Daddy). He even gives MoMo some good chin scratches.MoMo and I settle onto the carpet for our trip to California to pick up Miss Kitty. Oh the carpet is very safe but very different than the car. Oh my I hope I don't yak on the Magic Carpet, that would be embarrassing. ::Errgle:: No, I'm settled in now. Join us tomorrow as we visit the sites in Southern California. Here is a picture of Las Vegas as we fly by - No it's not my house, in case you were wondering.
Almost Time
I know I promised to give my tips on how to get your fill of the Feast back on Monday, but the week just got away from me. I started off the week at the Vet (I'm feeling better now, but the antibiotics made me a bit sick to my tummy so I'm glad they're done tomorrow!), then there was election excitement, and Peace Day, whew.
I'm so sorry but you'll have to wait for now my friends, because now it’s almost time to take a trip to my ancestral homeland of Norway with the other Norwegian cats. Tomorrow I have to pack my treats for everyone, maybe a toy or two for us all to play with, but luckily I already have my own fur coat.
It all started awhile back when MoMo and Miss Kitty had this great idea for all of the Norwegian Forest Cats to go on a trip to check things out in Norway. So MoMo from Australia, little Siena from Germany, Miss Kitty from California and I are headed over to check things out. Here is our itinerary:
Monday MoMo will be leaving her place to pick me up from Nevada
Tuesday we will be off to pick up Miss Kitty in Southern California
Wednesday we will be heading off to Germany to pick up Sienna
Thursday we'll all be in Norway!
Friday I’ll sneak away from all the fun for a quick floof shot as we explore the city
Saturday we will be offline as we travel to another country but I will show you all the festivities on Sunday and then we will be headed home.
I hope you will join us in our adventures. Luckily I can still teleport home for a quick snuggle, dictate my posts to Mommy, and leave comments on my friends blogs. Boy isn’t technology grand.
Dona Nobis Pacem
Wanted Wednesday
Feast Guidelines
Finally all my crying encouraged her to trombone the can and look more closely. She thought the can said 1 oz per three pounds of cat, and as a petite 13 pound kitty I should have, say... 13 divided by 3... give or take... 4 ounces.
I danced about the kitchen with joy, 4 cans of Feast everyday! Now that's what I'm talking about Mommy. Then I heard the dreaded voice of reason -
Mommy - Wait that can't be right, 4 cans of Feast a day! Oh the can is 3 ozs so... That's probably one can, I was right.
Fin - What! That is just wrong. Look, how do I know you aren't just horrible at math? Blind and bad at math - it's like the perfect storm. Look again.
Mommy - Oh one can per 3 pounds of cat.
Fin - See!
Mommy - That seems way too much! You'll be one ton of kitty.
Kitties I need your guidance, how much Feast should one cat have in a day? Remember I am refusing to eat any dry food - make sure that goes into your calculations. Oh and I like the kind with gravy and small chunks so it's not a solid can, make sure you take that into consideration too.
About a month or so ago, I started to shun the dry food I'd always been given to eat. My nose became upturned to the Friskies I had once enjoyed (oh my, do you think this will ruin my chances at a future endorsement deal?), a fine product to be sure (whew, I think I saved it) but no longer to my taste. I had a taste for the Feast. I was craving the goodness that's stinky.
I would dance and cry for the feast. At first it was just given as a treat, but slowly it became all I wanted (okay, pretty quickly actually). Dry food was completely refused. I even lost some weight in the war being waged with my parents. Daddy thought I was being difficult (really!) and would eventually return to the dry stuff. Nope! They bought well over five different varieties and still nothing.
Finally Mommy said I was losing weight, and buckled into giving me the feast on demand, and demand I did (I'll be sharing my methods later this week). I also started to really down the water (this was just because I got a new water dispenser and the water was delicious). Mommy began to worry I had an issue. I heard things like "Maybe we should get her checked out? She's a granny cat after all."
Well Mommy stressed for about a week about traumatizing me (which I appreciate and love her for) and purchased feline hormone spray to soothe me in the carrier (boy that stuff is nice) and drug laced treats to calm me (of course I refused to eat those). As you know I like to keep the parents guessing so instead of freaking out, I was like a perfect little angel going to the VET, no biting, no bunny kicks, hardly even a harsh meow.
The Vet was the best ever (well as good as his kind can be), he thought my gums looked a bit red and gave me an antibiotic (yuck) to try for a week. No rude tests, unless I don't improve. I was a bit put off though when he mentioned I was a "sizable" kitty. Well I never! He didn't mention the "D" word though.
Oh and it turns out, that in Mommy's middle-aged blindness, she misjudged the amount of Feast I should be getting. No wonder I was so hungry. So I will be a mostly good cat and take my medicine with minimal biting, get lots of lap naps on Mommy, guilt treats, and finally I will have my fill of the Feast. Should be a pretty good week.
Halloween Changes
Back in July I made some very well received suggestions on how America should alter the way it celebrates its birthday (look for an official campaign to be launched next year). After much careful consideration, I’d like to now suggest some changes to how we celebrate Halloween.
Change one - I don’t like the sound of the doorbell. It startles me. I also don’t care for my parents constantly getting up from the couch to answer the door for the wee ones. It disturbs my napping or snuggle time. Here's what I’d like to see instead. All the wee ones should gather together in front of the house, when everyone is present, they may politely knock on the door. The humans of the house pass out the treats, as the wee ones look in through the door and admire the kitty (resting at a safe distance, of course). When the candy runs out, or within 15 minutes, whichever comes first, Halloween is over, and on to the next house for the wee ones.
Change two - Why are we the only ones handing out treats? Shouldn't this be two way street? I’d like to see the wee ones bring offerings for the cat of the house as an exchange. Perhaps small hunks of Beef Jerky or Temptations can be left as offerings in a large bowl by the front door - call it a Bast bowl perhaps.
I think you'll agree that with these simple changes, Halloween can be fun for everyone.
Oh and I'd like to give a special shout out to Tater, my new pup hero. Mommy said a co-worker was trying on her scary Halloween outfit the night before Halloween, and saw that it startled the poor pup. She then chased poor Tater, amid startled barks, around the house. When she later removed the outfit, and fell asleep in a wine induced haze, Tater attacked and destroyed the costume. Good Dog! A virtual pat on the head for you.
Thankful Thursday
- Daddy is feeling much better after his brain microwaving (Mommy Edit: Gamma Knife Surgery) on October 1st. His pain is now .5 on a scale of 1-10 where it used to be 15 (Mommy suspects he does not understand the concept of a 1-10 scale for those questioning the math). He is going to be able to stop taking so much medication soon.
- I have a new human cousin named Mercer. I haven't met him but I saw his photo and he's very cute, like his sweet sister Petra.
- I have such delightful friends on the blogosphere, who wouldn't be thankful for all that.
and I do my little turn on the catwalk... Song implied.
I wanted to sneak in my tocks shot while it's still tocktober.
On a side note I won the Floof and Fur Prize in the Frisky Fall contest! Everyone had such great entries I didn't dare to dream.
Happy Fall to Everyone!
I got all my sisters and me

That Racket
Initially, when I would paw at the bathroom mirror, my parents thought it was because I was trying to attack the “other” cat I saw in the reflection. Ridiculous, of course I know it’s my own reflection. I’m not pawing to attack or pet myself as they think; I’m making my cat music. I mean really, of course I recognize myself, I’m adorable. Who else would it be?
My parents have titled my cat music “That Racket.” I think it's a catchy title. They’ll say things like, “Is that you making That Racket?” or “Quit making That Racket in there, little cat!” I think they really like my song because sometimes they clap their hands loudly and try to sing along with their own lyrics like “Hey, knock off That Racket,” or “I’m coming over there if you don’t knock off That Racket, little cat.” I really like that they come up with their own lyrics, and try to clap along, although they don’t seem to be on-key or to be very good with the rhythm, but I love them for trying.
I’ll admit that I sometimes get so involved playing “That Racket” against a door that I will shut it with my pawing, effectively locking myself in a room for hours on end. I realize I should probably pay attention to the direction that the door swings, before I start pawing in earnest, but really, who thinks of things like that when the rhythm takes them?
Hey, maybe Daisy and I can start band.
Floofy Friday Nest
Look at this darling little nest I spied in the tree in my frontyard (our trees are short here, so even I could spy it). I'm not sure who used the nest originally, maybe it was the morning dove family who live in the backyard.
I was wondering why cats don't have nests? They seem rather homey, and I'm sure we'd build nice ones, if moved to do so.
I've been thinking that I might enjoy my own little nest this winter or maybe a little cat bed, one with a heating pad.
Where do you like to nest?
Tomorrow I'll show you my favorite nest.
Fly Fly