Thank Cod for my delightful friends! How awesome are my readers? Let me tell you! I got this email from one of my kindle-reading pals -
"I know this isn't what Fin is really referring to, but I got a laugh out of it. Saw this in Swedish store in Door County Wisconsin.
Shannon, Footsie, Moo, Stewie, Smokey & Cupcake"
We got a great laugh too!
It's like it was written just for me. Can you see the subtitle "Living the Norwegian Dream." I am a Norwegian Forest Cat, well probably, my lineage is a bit unclear. Of course I think I'm descended from royalty - it's not such a stretch, they did name an entire land after me, you know Fin-Land.
Thank you so much for thinking of me Shannon, Footsie, Moo, Stewie, Smokey & Cupcake! And Cod bless you too!