
Mom on Monday

Hello friends!

Maybe you haven't noticed, but we have been blogging less lately. I'll admit losing my precious Finny took a lot of the blogging wind out of my sails. I adore the boys, but a blog doesn't feel as right for them. Greyson seems more of a youtube kitty and Quill, maybe an instagrammer...

 I still plan on blogging from time to time, but for now I need a blog break. We're all fine, nothing to worry about, I just need to take some time out of the standard routine. We'll still celebrate the big milestones here or the little ones when the mood strikes us.

I do have a Facebook page for the boys under Housecat Confidential that I'll still do short posts and may set up another social media feed and of course I'll report it here.

I heard from Amazon that they are discontinuing the blog program so I just wanted to let my kindle readers that you can view the blog directly at www.housecatconfidential.com.

Till we talk again, we hope everyone remains happy, healthy and well!!  


Floofy Friday

Friday: Hi Quill! Look at that wooly ruff!

Quill: What this old thing?

Friday: All that floof! It's a thing of beauty!

Quill: It takes a lot of extra kibble and treats to grow floof this long and soft. Mom can't get enough! It's not easy, but I do my best.