
Floofy Friday

Oh. My. Cod! Mom forgot Quill's Gotcha Day!!

That's right friends, it was MAY 22nd and she totally forgot to even mention it. Sure she'd just broken her laptop and she's been "busy" trying to get her book's first draft done by July 4th, but seriously? His Gotcha Day!? Her Quilly-Bear (I know)?

Of course Quill was all "It's fine" but I think if you look at the photographic evidence below Friday you'll see a trend....

 Way to refuse to submit big bro. 
Teach the lady a lesson.


  1. You need to make your human pay for forgetting your birthday, Quill! This is just a start.

  2. play hard to get....that seems to work. Happy Belated Gotcha Day!! we hope you get EXTRA treats :)

  3. Oh Quill, we sure wish you a very belated Gotcha day. We know you are so happy there with your Mom and with Greyson too. So just have a great day today.

  4. Oh no ! Happy belated Gotcha Day Quill ! Purrs

  5. got that right. Simply inexcusable!!! Happy Happy Belated Gotcha Day Quill! xoxo

  6. Darn. We're sorry Mom forgot your Gotcha Day, Quill. We bet she'll make it up to you, somehow (extra treats? special snuggles? a whole tuna?).

    Happy belated Gotcha Day, buddy. We love ya!

  7. Belated Happy Gotcha Day, Quill! Humans are not always dependable...there's nothing else to say :(

  8. Happy very belated Gotcha Day Quill. Humans! Can't live with them and definitely can't live without them.
