
Floofy Friday

Oh hey Friday. 
What? A sour face? I suppose I have been a bit sour. Plus I get the squint eye whenever mom breaks out the camera. She's still "working hard" on getting her first draft done. Yawn. 

Meanwhile I have to lay across her desk and let her pet my furs to keep her motivated. The keyboard gets in the way but eventually she moves it.

 Yes her desk is messy. It's not easy to find a good spot. Imagine how hard it is for the big guy to find his spot. Mom's promised fresh Quill pictures next week. Whatever - I think it's fine that I just take over the blog.

Heck no Greyson!! And there's always room for me on the desk, mom moves stuff for me too.


  1. Messy places are more fun anyways cuz there's more to lie on.

  2. It's a lot of work keeping humans motivated!

  3. Greyson, good boy for keeping the Mom straight or at least trying to keep her straight. We have a hard time keeping our Mom straight.

  4. Mum's desk is always messy while she's working. Purrs

  5. my Mom stopped working at her desk and has migrated to the dining room table....now both her desk AND the dining room table are a mess MOL

  6. Very cute photos, you didn't squint too bad. My kitties always close their eyes.

  7. Maybe you should help her clean that desk by whapping some stuff offa there.

  8. You two sound like us. There's always room for one more ... somewhere else. :)

  9. You do floof better than anyone I know! Have a fun weekend!

  10. Look at you being all floofy!
    Have a great weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  11. A cluttered desk is a sign of a creative mind! 'Specially if it's cluttered with cats.

  12. You could always just push some of that stuff off of Mom's desk, Greyson and Quill. That's what we do here. MOL!
